Vietnam Veterans Of America

Memorial Chapter #165

Board of Directors Minutes of January 5, 2016

Board of Directors Meeting 5 January 2016


Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm. Gene Goldsmith laid out what decisions he felt need to be made.

  • Continue to do the same as we have done in the past. The money in the scholarship account would last about 13 or so years.
  • Spend down the fund to a zero balance when the chapter closes.
  • Move the fund to a school and let them administer it.


The Scholarship Committee (Bill Bowen, Gary Lysne and Kirk Lyon) gave their report. They interviewed three schools WWU, BTC and WCC. The committee feels that we should consider two schools at maximum.

Things to consider:

  • Choose one or two institutions
  • If we choose two then:
  1. Do we split the money between the schools and fill the endowments to the minimum per each school adding to each endowment each year?
  2. Do we split the money between the schools and add to each fund on alternating years?
  3. Do we do more fund raising to fund each endowment at the minimum now?


After much discussion about the use of the scholarship money, Ken Richardson suggested that the BOD direct the committee to:

  • Choose one school
  • Choose the amount to fund the endowment and
  • Set the perameters for the scholarship(s).


This met with general agreement.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45.

VVA165 Is the 25th Largest VVA Chapter in the Nation

Our local Bellingham chapter is now the 25th largest VVA chapter in the Nation. We currently have 258 members. Our membership chairman, Jim Pace, has done an outstanding job in presenting to the community all the benefits of VVA membership. Call Jim at (360) 733-9226 for additional information.

Fifth Annual VVA165 Car Show

Over 100 vintage models from every decade will be on display at Sunset Square shopping center on Sunday, July 19th between 10 AM and 2 PM. Trophies will be given out for a variety of categories, including the best car for each of nine decades. The show is free, so bring the family .

The Car Show is a fund raising activity for the Ron Davenport Memorial Chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America. The proceeds from the show go to a variety of scholarships and the Children of Vietnam charity organization.

Come enjoy the spectacle of one of the area’s best car shows at Sunset Square Shopping Center, located near Interstate 5 and Sunset Drive in Bellingham. Help support Vietnam Veterans with your attendance.

VVA165 Hosts Very Successful Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting

VVA Chapter 165 of Bellingham held a Town Hall meeting on the “Faces of Agent Orange” on Friday, September 19th which almost overwhelmed the auditorium at the St. Luke’s Health, Education Community Center in Bellingham. Just over 300 attendees from BC to Whatcom and Skagit Counties and even as far away as Lacey came to hear compelling testimonials on Vietnam Veterans who themselves and children alike suffer from the effects of Agent Orange.

After appropriate introductions were made , which included honoring the POW / MIA national recognition day, the audience had the unique opportunity to hear from Jack McManus who himself was a crew chief in Operation Ranch Hand which sprayed the chemical dioxin known as Agent Orange during the peak years of dispersion — ’67-’68. The effects of Agent Orange that he not only incurred but what he saw as impact on the troops who came into contact with the substance –  paved a road that led him to do further research over the years into what has been recognized as a medical travesty to Veteran’s and their families. His understanding of the situation and issues along with his strong advocacy to “right” the situation has helped lead VVA National to be the foremost Veteran organization in helping to create legislation on toxic exposure research and military family support. He captivated the audience.

The other guest speaker who was great to have present was the Founder of the AVVA – Nancy Switzer. A wife of a Vietnam Vet impacted by Agent Orange himself, led to effects that have since transcended to her daughter, son and grandchildren. Her heartfelt experiences and determination to “do something about the impact” given her nursing background has since created an outspoken advocate for Veterans suffering from the effects of agent orange and the impact on their families. She is the Chairman of the AVVA Agent Orange Committee and is also a longtime advisor to the Vietnam Veterans of America legislative and health committees. Her story was  captivating as well and was  followed by a video of recent Senate legislation presented from Senator Moran of Kansas S. 2738 – Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2014.

There were over 35 testimonials that were registered or just over 10% of the attendees. Besides Vietnam Veterans offering testimony, there were numerous wives who provided testimony along with several children of Vets who told there story of impacting developments on themselves.

After the meeting was concluded, many positive comments in holding this type of town hall format were taken in by the members of our chapter who themselves were very highly motivated in making this event a successful outreach to the veteran community. We can attribute the success of this event in the support VVA National provided. There have now been over 110 town hall meetings around the country and we were the 111th – some say a lucky number — but as Nancy Switzer said (who has attended many of these meetings) probably one of the highest attended Town Hall meetings she has seen – and the quality of testimonials was tremendous. We will be supplying VVA National with some good solid information on “getting the word out” and “Vets helping Vets”.
