Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes of January 3, 2017 meeting

Minutes of Meeting 3 January 2017

General Meeting called to order at: 18:45 (6:45 pm for civilians)

Pledge of Allegiance led by President Gene Goldsmith

Invocation by: Lonnie Rose

Moment of silence for POW/MIA

Roll Call of officers:

Gene Goldsmith, Pres.                           Present

Dave Loomis, VP                                     Present

Randy Elmore, 2nd VP                            Excused

Bill Cox, Secretary                                   Excused

Tom Grinstad, Asst. Sec.                        Present

Ken Richardson, Treasurer                    Excused

David Scattum, B of D                             Excused

Bill Wilcox, B of D                                    Present

Richard Martinez, B of D                        Excused

John Bradshaw, B of D                            Present

Tom Modica, B of D                                 Present

Greg Bremer, B of D                                 Upstairs

Kirk Lyon, B of D                                       Excused

Guests:  Liz Rose, Agnes Kenny

New members present:  Tony Spagnola, David Stamps

Secretary’s minutes November minutes approved motion by Gene G, seconded by Ed S. Read the spectacular account of the December dinner on the chapter website.

Treasurer’s report Ken was absent sent report by e-mail. Summarized by Gene, moved by Ed S, second by David L, approved

Membership Update: by Gene, 272 members with two late in payment. Gene will follow up with letter or phone call. Seven members of AVVA.

Old Business:

  1. a) Bellingham Technical College memorial fund at $6,115 which will gain a plaque on the wall.
  2. b) 11 February is the date for the bottle auction and dinner. Or should that be the other way round? Reserve that date for fun and food. It will be a salmon dinner with the cost a paltry $10 / head.
  3. c) The VASH party had 23 attendees.

New Business:

  1. a) President Gene is trying to recruit drivers for the VA van.
  2. b) Car show date is established as 23 July 2017. The venue is not finalized yet.
  3. c) Dr. Brown was appointed to the Women’s Veterans Committee in Washington D.C. The state of WA now has two members of the six on the committee.
  4. d) Speaking of committees Randy Turnbull head of the nominating committee is seeking nominations for the election to be held in May.
  5. e) Tom Modica announced that VASH will be seeking $400 in funds from the Chapter for this year’s operations.

Next meeting is, 7 February 2017.

Good of the Order:

  1. a) Check your VFW calendar.
  2. b) Veteran’s Advisory Board will transport veterans to and from Skagit. Gene distributed cards with contact information.
  3. c) Gene and David L have VVA business cards and membership application forms. Get out and recruit.
  4. d) Gene mentioned that the WW1 memorial at Greenacres is looking good thanks to an Eagle Scout Joseph Meuller. The Korea memorial is next in line, then Vietnam a year after. You can buy a brick for the Vietnam memorial at any time. Talk to Gene about process.
  5. e) Doc has VN Vets baseball caps for sale. David L has VN cowboy hats for sale. Nothing makes you look as good as a Stetson.
  6. f) VFW #9301 breakfast 21 January 8:00 – 11:00

Motion to adjourn: Moved by Ed S. second by Lonnie, passed with ease

