Memorial Chapter #165

Meetings and Minutes

Minutes 2 May 2017 meeting

General Meeting called to order at: 6:55 pm (18:55)

Pledge of Allegiance by: Gene Goldsmith

Invocation by: Lonnie Rose

Moment of silence for POW/MIA

Roll Call of officers:                                                                    term expires

Gene Goldsmith, Pres                                        Present      2017

Dave Loomis, VP                                                Present      2017

Tom Grinstad, Secretary                                    Present      2017

Bill Cox, Asst. Sec.                                               Present      2017

Ken Richardson, Treasurer                                Present      2017

David Scattum, B of D                                       Absent       2017

Bill Wilcox, B of D                                               Present      2017

Kirk Lyon, B of D                                                 Present      2019

Richard Martinez, B of D                                    Present      2019

John Bradshaw, B of D                                      Present      2017

Tom Modica, B of D                                           Present      2018

Greg Bremer, B of D                                           Present      2017

Guests:      Rosemarie Loomis, Elizabeth Rose, Marguerite Neyens, Jim Neyens, Agnes Kenney

New members present: Not really a new member, Jim Pace returned

Secretary’s report:      Moved Ed S, 2nd Ken R approved

Treasurer’s report:      Moved Ken R., 2nd  Ed S approved

Membership Update: Still showing 278 members and 7 AVVA members

Old Business:     

  1. Memorial Day May 29th volunteers meet at VFW Sunday evening at 6:00 (18:00) to load material in vehicles. Willy is providing a trailer to assist in the effort. The main speaker will be James McKinney and vocals by Malcolm Oliver.
  2. Car Show – The car show will be held at the Barkley Center, 2200 block of Rimland drive. Doc H. showed off the trophies that will be awarded and described the price tag associated with each level of trophy. They range from $35 to $100 for sponsorship. Posters and flyers are available for distribution. Contact Doc. We have two participating sponsors – Farmer’s Insurance and Les Schwab Tires. Can the membership find more? The show also needs judges for the cars.
  3. Gene Goldsmith reported on the state council meeting held in Yakima. Sort of distressing…
  4. Gene also reported on the DAR convention in Spokane. He shared his acceptance speech. He is in the running for National Finals. Heard later he was not selected.
  5. The VVA 2019 convention is set for July 22-30 at the Grand Hotel and Doubletree in Spokane. In our March 2016 meeting the chapter voted to fund a delegate to this convention.


New Business:

  1. Kenny Paine’s interment is May 5, 2017 at Tahoma Cemetery 18600 SE 240th Kent, WA at 11:30. A few from the chapter are able to attend.
  2. Two veterans need help, referred by Liz. Lakai Fairbanks needs steel toe boots to accept a new job. Bill Wilcox had size 14 that were delivered and fit!!! Dan Kiermaier has MS and needs a ramp to access his residence. Discussion about how to assist Dan.
  3. A short discussion about a Hepatitis C meeting occurred. To hold a presentation here we need to show about 50 attendees. Ken R. suggested tabling until next month.
  4. First alert button information is available. The VA will buy the button for qualified people. There is no monthly fee.
  5. The Skagit chapter is holding a Welcome Home picnic in Sedro-Woolley, 6254 Fruitdale North on August 5, 2017 11:00 to 3:00 (15:00). Be there or be square???
  6. Jim Daughtery, Spokane Chapter President visited Vietnam and the article concerned 3rd generation effects of the agent orange use in country. Richard Brummet shared a short report on his month in Vietnam – and the exciting 8th annual chocolate festival. The chocolate bar is now 12 kilos (about 27 ½ lbs.) and now requires a Chocolate Ceremonial Ax to cut it. He also related the bigfoot race. There are now 44 kids supported by the chapter and individuals. Way to go.
  7. David Loomis has the veteran’s cowboy hats for sale, talk to him.

Next meeting:    June 6, 2017. Dinner starts at 6:00, and Wojo will be cooking, the general meeting is at 7:00.

Good of the order:

  1. Remember to check your VFW calendar. Check out the Memorial Day events.
  2. Please take some VVA business cards and carry an application form – just in case…
  3. A few organizations still need a member to attend the Festival of Flags. If you know of someone volunteer them.
  4. A big welcome back was offered to Jim Pace.
  5. Randy E. reminded the body that we need to find a replacement for treasurer Ken Richardson. Randy T suggested deferring discussion until after the car show.
  6. It costs $200 to buy a flagpole at the Festival of Flags and you must be interred there. (Even if it is only a spoonful of ashes). Ken R reminded us that every flag at the festival once covered a coffin. A real object lesson, especially for grandkids.
  7. The 50/50 raffle winner was # 0887.


Motion to adjourn: by Ed S, by acclamation

Minutes of Meeting 4 April 2017

Vietnam Veterans of America

Ron Davenport Memorial Chapter 165


Minutes of Meeting 4 April 2017

While waiting for dinner to come out of the kitchen, Jackie Thurman was introduced and she explained her background and situation. Then dinner was served.

General Meeting called to order at:       19:20 (7:20 p.m.)

Pledge of Allegiance by:                           President Gene Goldsmith

Invocation by:                                           Gene Goldsmith

Moment of silence for POW/MIA           Gene Goldsmith

Roll Call of officers:                                                                term expires

Gene Goldsmith, Pres                     present                          2017

Dave Loomis, VP                             present                          2017

Randy Elmore 2nd VP                      present                          2017

Bill Cox, Secretary                           present                          2017

Tom Grinstad, Asst. Secy.               present                          2017

Ken Richardson, Treasurer             present                          2017

David Scattum, B of D                    absent                           2017

Bill Wilcox, B of D                            present                          2017

Richard Martinez, B of D                present                          2019

John Bradshaw, B of D                     absent                           2017

Tom Modica, B of D                        present                          2018

Greg Bremer, B of D                        present                          2017

Kirk Lyon, B of D                              excused                         2019

Guests:       Rosie Loomis, Agnes Kenny, Connie Marich, Jackie Thurman

New members present:        Paul Nelson, David Williams, Skip Syvertsen

Secretary’s January minutes: approved Ray R / David L

Treasurer’s January report: approved David L / Ray R

Membership Update: Gene Goldsmith  reported 273 members, 1 deceased.  AVVA has 7 members.

Old Business:

  1. Memorial Day 29 May – Jim McKinney, 24 year vet, possible guest speaker. We need help to move to site – pick up at VFW 9am. We need all available members to show up for the Memorial Day service and picnic. Greenacres is trying to put together “Thank a Vet” program and needs representatives from various organizations.
  2. Wojo is gone for a while need helpers in the kitchen.
  3. Remember breakfasts are at VFW 9301 on 3rd Saturday and VFW 1585 (Bellingham) on last Sunday of the month.
  4. Very likely the car show will occur at Barkley this year. Only a few items left to iron out. A suggestion raised by Randy T to make some sort of tribute or recognition of both Gary Lysne and Kenny Paine be incorporated into car show activities. Member are needed at the VFW in the evening 6pm (18:00) of 22 July to pick up items for the car show on 23 July.
  5. Election of officers for the 2017-2018 year:

President                       Gene Goldsmith

Vice President               David Loomis

2nd Vice President        Doug Spangler

Secretary                      Tom Grinstad

Treasurer                      Ken Richardson

Board of Directors:        term ends

Tom Marsich                          2020

Larry Martin                           2020

Peter Pavlik                            2019

David Osinski                         2019

Tom Modica                           2018

Doug Spangler                       2018

  1. f. A motion to buy Gary Lysne’s generator for $800.00 was approved. Motion by Ken R / Randy E

New Business:

  1. VASH (VA Subsidized Housing) bus passes were funded $400.00
  2. Expenses for delegate to attend State Council meeting in Yakima $390.38
  3. Expenses for Gene Goldsmith to attend DAR State Convention $ 630.46, motion by Ken R to fund both for $700.00 approved
  4. Request to buy more banners and sign for the car show tabled Randy T, Doc H, Sam H to bring cost and formal proposal to next meeting.
  5. VVA originally founded as “last man standing” organization. Now two committees at national looking into maybe making it everlasting.
  6. Jackie Thurmond is in a bind. Job cut short tossed out of housing, she is seeking help. Motion to assist with $1,300.00 allowing her to get into an apartment with her nephew approved. Tom M / Randy E


Good of the Order:

  1. Check VFW calendar
  2. pick up VVA business cards & applications from Gene G.
  3. c. Gene has 7 cases of Promot and various other medical supplies that are available.
  4. d. the Festival of Flags needs a representative from each organization. If you know of someone who could carry out the duties, let Gene know.

Motion to adjourn: made at 8:09 pm (20:09) passed unanimously

The raffle netted $110. The winning ticket #783 returned the proceeds.

39 folks showed up for this meeting.  They were mostly the same faces. Keep on coming and let’s see some new or infrequent members.






Minutes of March 7, 2017 meeting

President Gene Goldsmith called the meeting to order at 18:40 (6:40 pm civilian time) He led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lonnie Rose gave the invocation and the Moment of Silence for POW/MIA.

Roll Call of Officers & Board of Directors                term expires

Gene Goldsmith, Pres.            Present                        2017

Dave Loomis, V.P.                   Present                        2017

Randy Elmore, 2nd V.P.            Excused                       2017

Bill Cox, Secretary                  Present                        2017

Tom Grinstad, Asst. Secy.       Present                        2017

Ken Richardson, Treasurer     Present                        2017

David Scattum, B of D             Excused                       2018

Bill Wilcox,        B of D              Excused                       2017

Richard Martinez, B of D        Present                        2019

John Bradshaw, B of D            Present                        2017

Tom Modica, B of D                Present                        2018

Greg Bremer, B of D               Present                        2017

Kirk Lyon, B of D                     Present                        2019


Guests:                             Liz Rose

New Member:              Ben Brown

Secretary’s Minutes:  Moved approve by Ken R, 2nd by Dave L. voice approval.

Treasurer’s Report:    Fiscal year-end report by Ken R. ended the year with $9,900+ to the good. Move to approve by Ed S, 2nd by Tom G. voice approval.

Membership Update:  President Gene said we are holding at 274 members, with 2 late in paying membership. AVVA remains at 7.

Old Business:

  1. Memorial Day 29 May – VVA function at the Hovander Park memorial. Allocate $1,000 for food. Anticipate attendance to be in the neighborhood of 170 to 200. (Not a bad neighborhood).
  2. The bottle auction brought in $1,061 for the BTC Scholarship endowment.
  3. Don’t miss the breakfast at VFW 9301 3rd Saturday and 1585 last Sunday of the month.
  4. The car show planning continues 23 July is coming fast. It appears that the K-Mart lot will be too small for the hoped for turn out. A couple of alternatives may be the former Costco lot or Civic Field. Doc H or tom M will further investigate. Bill B posed a question how to continue the car show when we all are aging. (How to get young blood into the operation – or do we let it terminate when we are all too old to carry on?) A somewhat spirited discussion got slightly off track for a while. Gene G will contact the Boy Scouts for possible assistance.
  5. We need officers for the upcoming year.

President         Gene Goldsmith is willing to continue for one more year.

V.P.                  Dave Loomis is willing to continue.

2nd V.P.            Randy was appointed and will not stand for re-election

Secretary         Tom Grinstad is willing to serve

Asst/ Secy.       Bill Cox will serve one more year (after stepping down from Secy.)

Treasurer        Ken Richardson is not standing for re-election (Need to fill this slot)

Asst. Treas.      David Scattum – status unknown

Board of Directors:

Bill Wilcox                   term expires this election cycle

Kirk Lyon                     term expires in two years

Richard Martinez        term expires in two years

John Bradshaw            term expires this election cycle

Tom Modica                term expires in one year

Greg Bremer               term expires this election cycle

This chapter has 274 members. Let’s spread the duties and responsibilities to other members. Remember one of the ways to retain good members is to put them to work.

  1. Steff with the great help of Liz Rose will step in to cook the meals for the next two meetings. Ed S and Gene offered to assist. Wojo will be off somewhere having a terrific time.

New Business:

  1. Donations will be readily accepted for Kenny Paine’s service happening 18 March from 16:00 to 19:00 at the VFW. A request for $500 was approved. Motion by Ed s. 2nd by Bill C.
  2. The acoustic ceiling tile will be removed from the basement meeting room 14 March, and advertised on E-Bay unless someone wants to claim it. Contact Cindy at the VFW.
  3. The state meeting of the VVA hoo-haws occurs 22 April from 13:00 to 16:00 at the vet’s center in Yakima. President Gene is planning to attend.
  4. Tom Modica proposed funding two slots for Boys/Girls State. American Legion 154 will have one boy and one girl to attend. The cost is $350 per person, total of $700. This proposal was voted down by a count of hands.
  5. Ray R donated a sizeable amount to the BTC endowment in honor of his wife Chiyoko.

Next Meeting:                        4 April, 2017. Dinner begins at 18:00 (6:00 pm) and the meeting afterward.

Good of the Order

  1. Remember to check your VFW calendar.
  2. Take VVA business cards and applications to recruit more members.
  3. Bill Bowen recommends reading Dereliction of Duty by H. R. McMaster
  4. Doc H has baseball caps for sale $15.
  5. David L has VVA cowboy hats for sale as well.

Board of Directors Minutes of January 5, 2016

Board of Directors Meeting 5 January 2016


Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm. Gene Goldsmith laid out what decisions he felt need to be made.

  • Continue to do the same as we have done in the past. The money in the scholarship account would last about 13 or so years.
  • Spend down the fund to a zero balance when the chapter closes.
  • Move the fund to a school and let them administer it.


The Scholarship Committee (Bill Bowen, Gary Lysne and Kirk Lyon) gave their report. They interviewed three schools WWU, BTC and WCC. The committee feels that we should consider two schools at maximum.

Things to consider:

  • Choose one or two institutions
  • If we choose two then:
  1. Do we split the money between the schools and fill the endowments to the minimum per each school adding to each endowment each year?
  2. Do we split the money between the schools and add to each fund on alternating years?
  3. Do we do more fund raising to fund each endowment at the minimum now?


After much discussion about the use of the scholarship money, Ken Richardson suggested that the BOD direct the committee to:

  • Choose one school
  • Choose the amount to fund the endowment and
  • Set the perameters for the scholarship(s).


This met with general agreement.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45.
