Vietnam Veterans Of America

Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes of 1 October 2024

In what turned out to be one of the shortest general meetings in history:

The General Meeting was called to order at: 18:15 (6:15pm) by President David Orona

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Orona, Pres                                    P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                P                 2025

AVVA Roll Call:

          Pete Kremen, Pres.                                   P                 2025

          Lelonni Muggy, V.P.                                 P                 2025          

Summer Loomis, Secy.                            A                 2025

In a deviation from normal, Doc Holliday invited members of the Gearheads Car Club to the front to present a check of $500 to the chapter. Dick Mills, Brad Colglazer, Bob Parten and Sam Houston were among the presenters.

Guests: the abovementioned Gearhead guys

New members present: Lamar McKay

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA – 403, AVVA – 132

Old Business:

  1. Tom G noted the chapter paid for wheelchair batteries for a veteran referred from the Opportunity Council
  2. State VVA Council meeting is scheduled at Snoqualmie Summit 12 October at 10:00. Lonnie Rose will represent the chapter.
  3. The chapter will pay VFW Post 1585 $500 in lieu of rent for the meeting space. And pay for cleaning.

A press release was sent to the Veteran magazine for our contribution to the BTC scholarship endowment.

New Business:

  1. VFW 1585 Octoberfest information will come from John Ferdon. Keep your eyes peeled.
  2. Chuck Muggy will deliver a trailer full of Honeycrisp apples on 10 October, between 15:00 – 16:00 (3:00 – 4:00 pm). Bring your own bags or boxes to load.
  3. AVVA now has applied for non-profit status. The application fee was handled by Lelonni.
  4. Steve announced that veterans looking for work to apply for jobs funded by federal dollars for infrastructure work. Prevailing wage jobs with preference to vets.

50/50 Raffle: $30 to Shannon Loomis.

Donations: $625

Good of the Order: VFW 1585 breakfast 27 October, 8:00 – 10:00 cost $10 adults

Motion to Adjourn: at 18:30 – only 15 minutes long, way to go!!!

Minutes of 3 September 2024

General Meeting called to order at: 18:20 (6:20pm) by President David Orona

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Orona, Pres                                    P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                A                 2025

Roll call of officers AVVA:

          Pete Kremen                                             A                 2025

          Steve                                                          P                 2025

          Malcolm Oliver                                         A                 2025

          Lelonni Muggy                                          P                 2025

          Summer                                                     P                 2025

Guests: Steve Peterson, Lamar McKay, Frank ,

New members present:

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA-404, AVVA-132

Old Business:

  1. Doc Holliday gave a short report and thanks to volunteers to the car show of 21 July. Tom G gave totals for the expenses and income gained. 350 cars registered, 10 no-shows.
  2. New car show meeting will be in January 2025. Doc needs to know who will be available (volunteers) for the new show.

New Business:

  1. Gene Goldsmith gave a short history of the scholarship fund. He recounted the way that the chapter decided to endow the Bellingham Technical College. He then read a short thank-you letter from one of the recipients. Gene moved to take $20k from the savings account and add to the endowment. Seconded and approved. The endowment basis remains – the scholarships are funded from the interest on the total.
  2. Gene noted that this chapter needs to have delegates to the next national convention, occurring in New Orleans next summer. He moved that the chapter provide $ 4,500 to assist delegates to attend. Seconded and approved.
  3. Gene also made a pitch for drivers for the DAV van, which provides transport for veterans down to VA.
  4. Check your VA cards for expiration date. Gene noted that his card was near expiration. He got it renewed and he can go to the Navy Exchange. You can do it online. Steve got his in 12 days.
  5. Muggy moved to buy a case of toilet paper for the VFW. Seconded and approved.
  6. Board of Directors meeting synopsis by Tom G: Website masters are retiring and need to find some support. VASH bus passes have been funded to the amount of $1,500 so far this year, with likely one more $500 before year’s end.
  7. Steve had a meeting with state AVVA, CVOC in Mt. Vernon are to move and build their own building with an unrealistic date in 2025. He described the location, south of College Way and east of 18th street. He has CVOC info. He also described the fishing trip provided for gratis.
  8. Steve also noted that the port of Sumas and Lynden are expanding. Funded by the Infrastructure Act a couple of years ago. The project will provide jobs for a couple of years, with good wages. So, anyone with family or friends looking for work, Info meeting at Bellingham Library Wed. 4 Sept. or in Sumas on Thurs. 5 Sept. Jobs will be paid per diem at prevailing wage.

50/50 Raffle: Steve returned his winnings. $97 total, thanks Steve!

Donations: $187

Good of the Order: VFW garage sale 13-15 Sept. at the post.

          Kenny Payne memorial pig roast is 28 Sept. 17:00 (5:00pm)

          VFW breakfast 29 Sept 8:00 – 10:00

Motion to Adjourn:  19:00

Minutes of 2 July 2024

General Meeting called to order at: 17:58 (5:58pm) by President David Orona

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Orona, Pres                                    P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             A                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                P                 2025


New members present: Donna Christian, Jerry Davis

Secretary’s report: Apologized for late posting on website, reminded all to get agenda items to Tom 5 days prior to meetings. Report was moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA – 403, AVVA – 131

Old Business:

  1. Ray Radke’s birthday party attended by nearly 100 people.
  2. State Council President’s remarks included
  3. National Leadership Conference August 20 – 24, in Reno, NV

National Convention will be held in New Orleans, LA August 5th – 9th 2025.

New Business:

  1. Celebration of life for Randy Turnbull will be held Sunday 7 July at noon. Location is American Legion Post 7, 1688 W. Bakerview Road
  2. There is a July 4th parade of cars in Lynden at 14:00, pre-parade staging at Bender Fields, 8770 Bender Road at 13:00.
  3. Armed Forces Appreciation Night at the Bellingham Bells game Civic Field July 12th 18:30. Seating behind home plate. Contact John Ferdon if planning to attend. 360 318 7521
  4. Our car show at Barkley Village 21 July 10:00 – 15:00. We need volunteers for all manner of jobs.
  5. Ande Michelle announces the Welcome Home BBQ at 6254 Fruitdale Road, Sedro Wooley 3 August, from 11:00 – 15:00. For more info call him at 360 706 3265.
  6. Chapter 165 AVVA officers, Pete Kremen, Autumn Sundown and LeLonni Muggy were sworn in.
  7. Information only – the chapter will endow the VASH fund at the Whatcom Transit Authority $500 for veterans’ bus passes.
  8. AVVA gave appreciation plaques to Sam Houston and Doc Holliday for being instrumental in the car show effort over all the years.
  9. WA State Council President Francisco Ivarra sent info about a celebration of the first around-the-world airplane flight. Get the copy from David Orona.
  10. Pete Kremen offered his email address and phone number for items to be aired during the car show (recognition of supporters, etc.) phone: 360 734 3802. Text 360 739 1676


50/50 Raffle: won by ? – I didn’t see $43

Donations: $266

Good of the Order: Remember to donate your used printer cartridges to the chapter. Give to Dave Loomis.

VFW breakfast 28 July 8:00 – 10:00 cost is $10, $5 for kids under 12.

Motion to Adjourn:  18:29 Another short, efficient meeting

Minutes of 4 June 2024

I apologize for the late posting. I have no excuse – I forgot

General Meeting called to order at: 18:00 by President David Orona

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Orona, Pres                                    P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                A                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                A                 2025

Guests: Joseph Miller, Corbin Luna, Bob Morgan

New members present: Bob Porter

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved enthusiastically.

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA – 402, AVVA – 127

Old Business:

  1. Chapter was represented at the Memorial Day Parade by David Loomis (Grand Marshal), Alex Thompson and Tom Grinstad
  2. The Car Show needs donations for the raffle, (or cash would be fine too). Still searching for volunteers to help – especially parking, raffle sales, etc. Talk to Doc or Sam Houston.
  3. AVVA elections will occur 2 July, 2024.
  4. A short report on the Memorial Day Picnic and Greenacres ceremony was given.

New Business:

  1. Bottle Auction will be held 14 June at the VFW. Please provide 2 bottles – one a “joke” and the other a real bottle of something.
  2. Ray Radke’s birthday party is on 28 June at 16:00 (4pm) at VFW. It is his 39th b’day, make it special…
  3. A celebration of Life for Randy Turnbull will be held on 7 July at Legion Post 7, 1688 W. Bakerview Road at noon. Be there or be square.
  4. Don’t forget the car show is coming to a Barkley near you. On 21 July 10:00-15:00 (3pm). Make it a great one.
  5. Welcome Home BBQ at 6254 Fruitdale in Sedro Wooley. Date is 3 August. Time is 11:00 – 15:00. For more info call Ande Michelle 360 706 3265.
  6. State Council President Francisco Ivarra made a few remarks.
  7. The VVA National has set a couple of goals for the overall organization.
  8. Determine the VVA’s legacy. What will this organization be known for? National will be instructed by local chapters – not top down.
  9. Dissolution of VVA. How does the VVA end? This has been determined to be a “last man standing” organization. What does that mean for chapter, state and national?
  10. National Leadership Conference is 20-24 August in Reno, NV.
  11. National Convention is August 2025 in New Orleans, LA.

50/50 Raffle: No raffle this date

Donations: came to the amount of $ 188

Good of the Order: There will be a breakfast served at the VFW on 30 June from 8:00 – 10:00. Supposedly all you can eat. I don’t know if anyone monitors that. Motion to Adjourn: Came at 18:27 (6:27pm)

Minutes of 7 May 2024

General Meeting called to order at: 18:10 (6:10pm)

Pledge of Allegiance by:

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by:

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Orona, Pres                                     P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                A                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                P                 2025

Guests: Robin Pavesi, Liz Witowski

New members present: none

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA-401, AVVA-127

Old Business:

  1. Bottle Auction will occur Friday 7 June, at VFW Post 1585. Meal served by Auxiliary at 18:00 (6pm) followed by the auction. Bring two bottles, one joke, the other real. All wrapped up nicely to encourage bidding. Highest bid gets the bottle.
  2. The Whatcom Co. Stand Down happened on Friday, 3 May. An unofficial count put the clients at 20 – 25 vets. Rather a poor showing. Not much publicity prior to the event.
  3. Doc gave a short rundown on the car show preparations. We need more volunteers and raffle prizes. Tee shirts went to print today. Next meeting 16 May at 15:00 (3:00pm) at VFW basement.

4. The Whatcom Memorial Day Parade will happen on Saturday 25 May, beginning at noon. We sill get the pre-parade marshalling space notice a few days prior to the event. Please show up to take a leisurely stroll through the town.

New Business:

  1. Memorial Day Weekend Avenue of Flags 25-27 May at Greenacres Memorial Park. Parade on Saturday 25 May. Allied Veterans Council holds its ceremony Monday 27 at Greenacres starting at noon. Our picnic will be at 16:00 (4pm) at Hovander Park in Ferndale. We need about four more folks to help with furniture moving to and from site. Meet at the VFW at 13:00 (1pm) to load up.
  2. National Leadership Conference in Reno, NV from 20-24 August at the Silver Legacy Casino.
  3. Doc presented a plaque to Melanie Flink, who is completing Randy’s car. She announced the celebration of life for Randy Turnbull at Amer. Legion Post 7 Sunday, 7 July at noon.
  4. Liz Witkowski took the floor to talk about veterans’ benefits that we all may not be aware of. She talked about the PACT Act and changes. We are presumptive for a number of conditions due to service in SE Asia from 1962-1980. This includes hypertension. She says to file for hypertension or high blood pressure as well. You may be eligible for 2ndary conditions resulting from the primary. This may include widow’s benefits. For example, prostate cancer may be considered as primary, but incontinence or bladder issues may be 2ndary and covered by VA. And it is possible that these conditions may be worth more than the primary claim.

She then moved on to Aide in Attendance a program for combat veterans for income aid to stay in your home or assisted living. Special Monthly Compensation is available for some conditions.

DIC is for surviving spouse. If a presumptive is listed on your death certificate as a cause of death, your surviving spouse maybe eligible for additional monthly benefit.

Caregiver Program is administered by the Veterans Health Administration. Liz has the info, and she will help you apply. This also helps you stay in your home.

She also works to administer the county veterans’ assistance fund.

This has a whole host of programs for low-income veterans giving help up to $3,800/month. This year they have a budget of about $200,000 to help these folks. This includes direct financial assistance. Temporary assistance – not ongoing assistance. Household repair grants are available up to $3,000. Help with medical bills can be had – again not ongoing support. Up to $5,000 for restorative dental. Some help for burial expenses is available.

Her contact information: 509 Girard Street Bellingham 360 778 6050/ fax 360 778 6001. Steve announced that due to absences the induction of AVVA officers will occur at the July meeting, which looks to be 2 July.

50/50 Raffle: No raffle this month

Donations: $101

Good of the Order: VFW Post 1585 serves breakfast on Sunday 26 May from 8:00-10:00. Please support them.

Motion to Adjourn: at 18:46

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