Memorial Chapter #165

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List current and future events

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Minutes of 4 May 2021

General Meeting called to order at: 18:29 by President Dave Loomis

Pledge of Allegiance by: VP Ron Wilson

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             P                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           P                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                            P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2022

Guests: Mike Self – possible new member, Dorothy Rood, Ruth Ashe, Malcolm Oliver, Bob Garrison, Ande Mitchelle and Francisco Ivarra

New members present: Vicky Wise (AVVA), Rita Welters (VVA)

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Old Business:     

          1.      Doc Holliday briefed membership on progress of planning for the upcoming car show. As the pandemic is still a concern, everything is tenuous. But the aim is to hold it on 18 July 2021 at the Barkley Village parking lot (off Woburn)

New Business:

  1. State Council President Francisco Ivarra talked about the recent council meeting. All the present officers were re-elected. He reiterated the idea that VVA is in the business of caring and doing the best it can for vets. No matter which conflict. The state has the best record of service grants in the nation. Our VSOs are #1 in the nation at processing claims. Ivarra also restated the idea o fighting a proposed change to the VVA, making it not a “last member standing” organization. He stated that the upcoming November national convention will be a fight with national leadership.

President Ivarra said to lobby members of Congress to support veterans’ affairs. The proposed budget is in the range of $9.6 billion an increase of approx. 7.6%

  • V.P. Ron W noted the donation can for the meal. He also discussed the former NorBell building at Smith and Northwest Roads. Several people did a walk through and around. Consensus was that the building is worth saving. Lobbying efforts to acquire the property for veterans will commence.
  • The chapter has received a Mercury van as a donation. Discussion ensued regarding a raffle to dispose of it and raise money at the same time.
  • There is a need for volunteers to dig foundation holes for the DAR Gold Star Mothers memorial at Greenacres. Ken Carlson stepped up. (Or should I say, sat up?)
  • Veterans’ appreciation picnic in Sedro Wooley was announced. Motion, second and approved expenditure of $1,000.00. in support.
  • May 14, bottle auction and pot luck dinner at VFW 1585. Starts at 6:00pm (18:00). Proceeds to VFW 1585.
  • 22May at 14:00 a memorial service for Mike Boice, member of the board of directors will be held at River of Life Church in VanZandt.
  • 22 May VFW 1585 has a dinner with silent auction. Doors open at 4:00pm, dinner at 5:00 (or take out). Cost is $10.00 all proceeds to VFW.
  • 29 May, VFW 1585 will hold Flo Simon BBQ. Band is Ever Leaf, come enjoy the food and music. By donation.
  • 31 May 10:30 am VFW 9301 HOLDS A Memorial Day ceremony at the Lynden Cemetery. Guest speaker is sheriff Bill Elfo.
  • Also, on 31 May at 1:00pm (13:00) the chapter hosts our annual Vietnam Veterans Picnic at Hovander Park. Brins a favorite dish to share. The chapter provides drinks, hot dogs, hamburgers and condiments. Need a few volunteers to set up / take down. Talk to Pres. Dave.
  • 4 June at 13:00 (1pm) our chapter conducts a memorial service for Jose Sonora, Rosemarie Loomis’ brother. It will be at Greenacres. All members are encouraged to attend.

Good of the Order:

Rosemarie requests pictures of your service in Vietnam.

Please save soda & beer tabs to support breast cancer research. Bring exhausted toner cartridges and the tabs to the next meeting.         

50/50 Raffle Won by: Rosie Loomis – she’s a real winner.

Meal donations collected $ 150.00.

Motion to adjourn: adjourned at 19:24 (7:24pm)

Minutes of 6 April 2021

General Meeting called to order at: 18:16 by President Dave Loomis

Pledge of Allegiance by: Pres. Loomis

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             P                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                           A                 2022

Guests:  Bob Garrison, Daniel Park, Kil Soo Han, Francisco Ivarra,

New members present: Chuck Muggy VVA, LeLoris Muggy AVVA

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: 306 VVA, 58 AVVA

Old Business:     

          1.      Car Show Committee is proceeding on the assumption that we will have one this year. The next committee meeting is 8 April.

2.      National Vietnam War Veterans’ Day celebration at the Lynden Pioneer Museum was “Great”. Music, dancing, food and conversation. Member Howard Vanbeek made a generous donation.

New Business:

          1.      VFW 1585 will have a pre-garage sale 16 April 3-6 pm prior to general public sale 17 April 9am to 3pm.

          2.      14 May the chapter will co-host a bottle auction with VFW 1585 starting at 6pm. Please bring a wrapped bottle and potluck dish to share.

          3.      Our chapter is now 26th in membership nationally, let’s make it into the top 25, huh?

          4.      Chapter annual picnic is scheduled for 31 May at Hovander Park, start time 1pm (13:00) for all you.

          5.      The National Records Center (NPRC) provides a website for veterans to get access to their DD-214s online. another access might be Military veterans and next of kin may use this to request documents. Others with a need for documents must complete Standard Form 180 which can be downloaded from the NPRC to process the request. This new web-based application is designed to provide better service for these requests.

          6.      Dr. D. Park spoke about the effort to get the ROK soldiers who fought beside us in Vietnam recognized by the DOD.

          7.      State council President Francisco Ivarra announced that national has postponed the convention until November 2-6, still in Greensboro, NC. This probably will be one of the final conventions, due to membership age. A decision will be made as to whether the VVA is a “last man standing” organization.

          Francisco attended a chapter meeting in Yakima, which recognized the 737 Transportation Company. They delivered millions of gallons of fuel in 68-69. The state council presented a plaque to memorize this feat.

          8.      Moved, seconded and approved to give VFW 9301 $500 to defray costs of the Vietnam War Veterans’ Day celebration.

          9.      Whatcom County plans to tear down the old nursing home site of the present Planning Department. Ron W. spoke about possibly reusing the building for housing homeless veterans. Decision to propose to county council. Other options were expressed. The letter will get this matter in the door, so to speak.

          10     Gene G. announced that the DAV van is nearly ready. He will pick up next Monday to get the logos applied. When the GPS is installed, it will be ready to transport vets to the VA in Seattle. New drivers needed.

          11.    Doc H. reiterated that car show contributions should be provided with a W9 form for tax purposes. He also noted updates to the website should be made.

          12.    Proposal that instead of passing the hat for dinner contributions a bucket for donations should be provided. Generally approved.

          50/50 Raffle Won by: Chuck Muggy, $26

Good of the Order:

Meal donations collected $ 124, spent $147.10.

Motion to adjourn: Approved at 19:08 (7:08pm)

Minutes 10 February 2021 meeting

Minutes of the first virtual meeting 10 February 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Dave Loomis at 18:01 (6:01 pm)

Roll call taken Officers present: Dave Loomis, Ron Wilson, Tom Grinstad

Directors present: Duane Holliday

Invocation given by Chaplain Lonnie Rose

Guests Stan Inzer from Spokane

Treasurer’s Report Income statement January 2021 reviewed moved & seconded approved

Members Report Chapter has 311 members on the rolls. AVVA membership now 59.

Noted Passing We lost two members this past January. Mike Boice, director and Marine Corps League Liaison. Also, Charles Anway passed 28 January.

New Business: Slate of chapter officers and directors was presented. Slate was elected for year 2021-2022. Those elected were:

President Dave Loomis

Vice President Ron Wilson

Secretary / Treasurer Tom Grinstad

Director Randy Turnbull

Director James (Sam) Houston

Director Gene Goldsmith

Director Duane Holliday

Director George Douglas

State Delegates: David Loomis, Donald Martinson, Kenneth Richardson, Ronald Wilson, Frank Woicieckowski, Eugene goldsmith

Amended chapter bylaws were presented, reviewed and accepted with one change noting the committees as appointed, not standing.

State Council President Francisco Ivarra reported on latest developments from national. The next national conference will likely be virtual. Any and all resolutions to be considered at the conference must be submitted by 31 March 2021. Roughly 360,000 VVA members have suffered Covid infection. The Vietnam Veteran era recognition has been expanded to 1955 -1975. The national office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The state council has been awarded a $20,000 VSO grant. The April council meeting may have to be conducted virtually. President Ivarra will appoint a nominating committee.

Chaplain Lonnie concluded with a prayer.

There being no further business a motion made to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 18:42

December 2020

Although we are dealing with Covid 19 restrictions, the chapter received a $100 donation from the Gearheads Car Club. We received a request from VFW 1109 to help with postage to ship 25 troop boxes overseas. The chapter sent a check to the VFW.

We will not have a meeting in January,but call Dave Loomis if you or someone you know is in need. We do our best to help our fellow veterans – not only materially but also emotional or spiritual.

We hope to have a meeting in February to elect new officers and Board of Directors members. Any one interested in being an officer or director please call Dave Loomis at 360 715 1489.

6 October 2020 Meeting

VVA Chapter 165

Meeting called to Order at 1700 by President David Loomis

Opening Ceremonies Performed

56 VVA/AVVA Members Present, Socially Distancing/mask recommended

Roll Call of Officers:

President:  David Loomis Present.        

Vice President:  Ron Wilson Present

Sec/Treasure: Tom Grinstad Absent/excused   

Chaplain: Lonnie Rose Present

B of D: Ken Richardson Absent

B of D: Mike Boice Present

B of D: Randy Turnbull: Present

B of D: Gene Goldsmith Present

B of D: George Douglas Present

B of D Duane Holliday Present

Guests: Alex Ambros, Brewster Loomer spoke on their BTC Scholarships

Daniel Park Korean Veteran (Associate Vietnam Veteran member), shared on how he wants to join us in doing events.  Spoke on wanting to be recognized by the Vietnam Veterans of American.

New Members present: 2 AVVA Deanna VanBeek  VVA Dick Gasden

Treasurer’s Report: Copies left on tables, Balance Savings $26,036.06, checking $5,437.64 no questions

Membership update: VVA 308.. AVVA 55

Old Business: None

New Business: Gene Goldsmith spoke and read letters to the recipients of BTC VVA scholarship. Motion made by George Douglas, seconded by VP Ron Wilson To change the name of Scholarship Fund from Ron Hansen to “Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #165 Scholarship”. Passed unanimously- Gene Goldsmith will handle the change.

Motion made by Randy Turnbull to transfer $5,000 from the Savings to the BTC Scholarship funds. Seconded by Gary Pettigrew. Passed unanimously – Gene Goldsmith will handle Money to BTC

President Dave Loomis talked to us about moving the Memorial Day picnic to the day before – Memorial Day Sunday May 30th, so that everyone was not so stretched to do all events, and it would give everyone an opportunity to have a day to spend more time with each other.

Motion made by VP Ron Wilson to move picnic to the day before Memorial Day, Sunday May 30th. Seconded by Chaplain Lonnie Rose.  Passed unanimously

Ron Wilson spoke about the plan for a Memorial at Green Acres for Gold Star Mother’s.

Motion made by Ron Wilson to donate $2,500 towards this memorial at Green Acres for Gold Star Mother’s seconded by Gary Pettigrew. Passed unanimously.

Good of the Order: President Dave Loomis asks for members to step up for positions of officers for 2021. Randy Turnbull and President Dave Loomis will chair a committee to contact people on 2021 officers. President Dave Loomis asked Darleen to contact 1585 about a possible bottle auction. Mike Boise will find out about the Memorial Day parade. Lana Haddox shared info on caregiving. Ron Wilson is looking for names to be recognized. 50/50 Raffle: Randy Turnbill won, amount donated back to chapter.

Money collected for dinner, $114.

Closing Ceremonies performed

Motion to Adjourn: 6:30pm

Respectfully Submitted

Elizabeth Rose AVVA

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