Memorial Chapter #165

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Minutes of 4 January 2022

General Meeting called to order at: 18:50 by Pres. David Loomis

Pledge of Allegiance by: David Loomis

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: VP Ron Wilson

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             A                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           A                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                            A                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             A               2022

Guests: Jesse Barsness who introduced his wife and children, whose names I didn’t get.

New members present: none

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: we now have 351 on books, 79 AVVA members

Old Business:     

          1.      President Loomis announced he will not run for re-election. He thanked the membership for the opportunity to serve.

2.      Names were floated to fill the various officer positions; nominations will occur next month (February) and elections will be held in the March meeting.

3.      Dave Loomis will stay on in a membership position – chief recruiter – at which he is great.

New Business:

          1.      The attending members made a donation to assist Jesse Barsness’ family. They were flooded out in the storms of November. Dave moved that the chapter contribute an additional $500 in recovery. Motion was seconded and approved.

          2.      District President Francisco Ivarra gave a short review of the proceedings at the national convention held in November. The main points were:

          The VVA is established as a “last person standing” organization.

          ROK veterans are allowed to be VVA members if they are citizens of the USA.

          The number of persons needed to organize and establish a new chapter of VVA is reduced from 25 to 15.

          John Rowan lost his re-election bid; Jack McManus is the new national president.

          McManus established a financial and investigative committee and appointed Francisco to it.

          3.      The Moving Vietnam Wall is coming to Ocean Shores this coming June. Sam H. moved we donate $1,000.00 to support this cause. Seconded and approved

Good of the Order:     Be careful of the pandemic, be smart.

Motion to adjourn:     Adjourned at 19:25

7 December 2021

The banquet started with a prayer by Ken Rood.  At 18:00 all the ladies were invited to join the chow line and get their grub. And what a spread it was – ham, escalloped potatoes, green beans, corn, salad, bread and butter. Of course, no meal is a meal without dessert. There were too many to mention. No really, I didn’t count the number. During the meal raffle tickets were sold for a beautiful quilt made and donated by Sachiko Haynes.  Lots of conversation and consumption ensued. From the official sign-in sheet there were 51 attendees. However, it appears that not all signed in. So, the true number could be closer to 60.

General Meeting called to order at: 18:58 by Vice President Ron Wilson

Pledge of Allegiance by: VP Wilson       

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   A                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            P                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             A                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                A                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           A                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                           P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2022

Guests: Steve Jordan American Legion Post 212

New members present: Steve Tatham and Mike Lane

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved.

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: now at 350 members, 80 AVVA members

Old Business:     

          1.      Brief mention of national convention by Ron W. perhaps next month a more detailed report by the delegation.

2.      Doc H. presented a check for $500 from the Whatcom County Cruisers.

3.      Summation of members’ efforts at flood relief in Sumas and environs. The Chapter donated $1,000.00 to the AL Post 212 for flood relief.

New Business:

          50/50 Raffle Won by: someone who I didn’t see. Total take to the Chapter $35.

Donation bucket proceeds $100

Quilt raffle won by Ray Radke. Proceeds to the Chapter $100.

Motion to adjourn:  at approx. 19:20 (7:20 pm) our shortest business meeting. Congrats Ron!!

Minutes of 2 November 2021

General Meeting called to order at: 18:08 by President Dave Loomis

Pledge of Allegiance by: Pres. Loomis  

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         A                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             P                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           A                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                           P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2022


New members present: Ron Adams, Bruce Wickler

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved Thumb drive video of BTC students available for viewing.

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: now at 333 members, 78 AVVA members

Old Business:     

          1.      Dave Loomis gave a short report on the state council meeting held 23 October. State council backs our efforts in repurposing the former Norbell Nursing Home at Smith and Northwest roads.

2.      Doc H. pressed for purchase of tables. Ron W. assigned to follow up.

New Business:

          1.      Moved, 2nd and passed to provide Michael Hackett $1,000 to attend the national convention this month.

          2.      On 11 November VFW Post 9301 will host a Veterans Day Ceremony at 11:00. Address 7011 Hannegan Rd., Lynden.

          3.      13 Nov. from 3:00 (15:00) to 7:30 pm (19:30) the Choir of the Salish Sea presents a program at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, 1207 Ellsworth St. Bellingham

          4.      The chapter took possession of an electric wheelchair from Jim McCoy. Available to someone in need. Contact Ron Wilson 360 510 3565.

          5.      7 December’s meeting will salute our wives. A great dinner is promised. Be sure to attend.

          6.      Malcomb briefed us on FEMA Covid policy. He also talked about the NW Annex and the letter of support from state council.

          7.      Question arose about putting the video thanks from BTC on the website. Tom G will investigate.

          50/50 Raffle Won by: Dan Norvell. He donated the proceeds back to the chapter – $55 total.

Good of the Order:     VFW Post 1585 holds breakfast from 8:00 to 10:00 at their building 625 N. State St. Bellingham.

Donation bucket proceeds $70

Motion to adjourn:  at approx. 18:48 one of our shortest meetings

Minutes of 4 October 2021

Minutes of 5 October 2021

General Meeting called to order at: 19:05

Pledge of Allegiance by: State Council Pres. Francisco Ivarra

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie R

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         A                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             P                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           P                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                            P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2022

Guests: Joe Kriegl (scholarship recipient) and young son, Betty McMaster – AVVA, Andy Sauers – new VSO,

New members present: Jim Carr, Simon Media, Joyce Maua AVVA, Charles Chasteen, Bobbie Bell, Mike Hockett

Secretary’s report: glossed over no action

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: Chapter now has 338 members, AVVA has 72

Old Business:     

          1.      A short synopsis of the regional conference was given by Francisco Ivarra. Rosemarie Loomis was appointed president of the state AVVA. Anyone attending national convention in November must have proof of vaccination, mask up and observe social distancing.

2.      State Council meeting will be 23 October at 10:00 at the pancake house on Snoqualmie Pass. All are welcome.

3.      VVA remains the most active of the veterans groups. We have managed to get more legislation enacted. (With not the largest membership.) Washington leads the nation in action.

New Business:

          1.      Certificates were presented to Betty McMaster, Alex Thompson and Charles Chasteen.

          2.      Ken C. proposed purchasing tools for Ron W. to use in w/c ramp building. 2nd and approved. Ken will research tools and cost.

          3.      Doc H moved we send $1000 to Louisiana State Council for Hurricaine Ida relief. 2nd and approved.

          4.      Ray R. proposed allotting $1000 per national convention attendee – to a maximum of three attendees. 2nd and approved.

          5.      Doc H. had questions about webmaster and why website is not updated promptly. He noted the car show application for July’s event is still on the site.

          6.      George Beckley complimented cooks for meal. Suggested that those who want and can tolerate spicy food bring their own condiments.

          7.      Gene G nominated Betty McMaster and Andy Sauer for life membership. 2nd approved.

          50/50 Raffle Won by: someone for over $40

Good of the Order:     VFW Post 1585 hosts a breakfast on 31 Oct. 8:00-10:00. 625 N. State, Bellingham. Cost is $10 (children 12 and under $5).

Motion to adjourn:  adjourned at 19:55

Minutes of 7 September 2021

General Meeting called to order at: 18:40 (6:40pm) by Pres. Loomis

Pledge of Allegiance by: Dave Loomis

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose, Chaplain

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2022

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2022

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2022

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2022

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             A                 2022

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2022

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           P                 2022

          George Douglas, B of D                           P                 2022

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             A                 2022

Guests: Nikki Loehmer, Nancy Ghall, Jill Church, scholarship recipient Aubrey San Nicolas

New members present: Jim McCoy, Ron Kautzman,

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved, note Covid relief money

Membership Update: VVA – 318, AVVA – 68

Old Business:     

          1.      Car show was a great success. Net income may exceed $15,000. Note that not all bills have been received yet.

2.      Welcome Home Picnic in Sedro Wooley was attended by many members. A fine time for all.

3.      Aubrey San Nicolas discussed her goals and the assist the scholarship has given to her education.

4.      Ron Wilson built three wheelchair ramps, one solo, one with Larry Montgomery and the third with Ken Carlson as well.

New Business:

          1.      Nikki Loehmer presented the Honor Flight program, which has a Washington state chapter. The Flight takes veterans to the other Washington to tour and be honored for their efforts in war. There is no cost to the veteran, and he/she may be accompanied by a child or other relative.

          2.      A Celebration of Life for David McMaster will be held 11 Sept. from 5 to 9 pm at the Squalicum Yacht Club 2633 S. Harbor Loop drive.

          3.      VVA Region 8 conference is held at Nugget Casino Resort, Sparks, NV 14-16 Sept. This chapter is sending five delegates.

          4.      Marine Corps League celebrates the 245th Anniversary of the USMC at the Skagit Valley Casino, 5984 Dark Lane, Bow, WA. The date is 6 Nov. from 5 to 9 pm. (17:00-21:00). Cost is $45/person. Please respond to if you would like to attend.

          5.      The Chapter now has a new service officer – Andy Sauier – at the Veterans Center (3800 Byron Street, suite 124). Phone 360 733 0226. For the moment he is working out of the VFW hall in Lynden.

          6.      VFW Post 1585 requests volunteers to meet with them to support efforts to help recent veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.

          7.      DAR requests a veteran to attend their meeting on 13 Nov to discuss service experience and what it means to be a veteran. Contact Darlene Carlson.

          8.      A” Free Legal Answers” website is available to answer questions about veterans’ federal legal questions. This is a part of the ABA Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel (LAMP).

          9.      Nancy Ghall of St. Brendan’s Anglican Church is attending to see how the church may support our efforts – mainly in education.

  • 10. Moved, second, approved Donate $30,000 to foundation endowment at Bellingham Technical College.

          50/50 Raffle Won by: Chuck Muggy

Good of the Order:     VFW Post 1585 breakfast 26 Sept 8 – 11 am.

Motion to adjourn:  adjournment at 19:45 (7:45)

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