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Minutes of October 3, 2017 meeting
Minutes of Meeting 3 October 2017
Seeing that nearly everyone had finished dinner, V.P. David Loomis called the General Meeting to order at: 6:35 pm (18:35)
Invocation by: Ken Rood
Pledge of Allegiance by: Dave Loomis
Moment of silence for POW/MIA
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Excused 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Douglas Spangler, 2nd V.P. Absent 2018
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Present 2018
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present 2018
Tom Marsich, B of D Absent 2020
Larry Martin, B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon, B of D Present 2019
Peter Pavlik, B of D Absent 2019
David Osinski, B of D Present 2019
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
Guests: Mary Boice, Rosemary Loomis Darlene Carlson, Virginia Beauford, Mary Gilliland
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, seconded and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Moved Tom G, 2nd Bill C, approved
Membership Update: Current membership is 284 (as of 31 July), which means that 11% of the membership showed up for the meeting. And that’s rounding up. The AVVA has 7 members
Old Business:
- Randy Turnbull suggested tabling the discussion of a donation to the LaFrienier family so he can get more information. Approved.
- The chapter has four representatives to attend the BTC breakfast this coming Thursday: Bill B, David L, Kirk L and Ray R. we hope to get a short report next meeting.
- The Northwest Classic Trucks club donated $500.00 to the chapter as a result of the car show. It was suggested that we invite a member of that club to the next meeting to receive our thank you. Tom M will arrange.
New Business:
- The date for the spouse dinner was selected – our December meeting which is 5 December. Moved by Bill B, 2nd by Kirk L. approved
- DAV Veterans Day sign-up sheet passed around. We still need volunteers for the 11 November day.
- The date for the bottle auction is up in the air. Suggested by Kirk L that the chapter coordinate with the VFW Auxiliary to firm up the date since they work so hard providing the dinner.
- Bill B presented a motion to allocate $250 to buy a new banner for the car show. Motion amended by Bill B to not be exclusively a car show banner – with “Victory Lane” on the reverse side cost approximately $300. A 2nd from Bill C, approved.
Good of the Order:
- Darlene Carlson, Vice Regent of the local DAR expressed thanks to the chapter (specifically Dave L and Doc H) for providing transport from the Sheraton 4 seasons to the Pickett House and bridge.
- Check the VFW calendar for events and activities
- Please take some VVA business cards and application for distribution.
- The DAV needs van drivers please help
- There’s a VFW breakfast at post 9301 on 21 October. Be there or be an equal sided rectangle.
- f. Kirk L shared some thank you notes and letters from the scholarship awards. Check with the secretary if you would like to read them.
- Extra Veterans magazines are available from Tom M or Dave L.
- One of the guys from the Skagit chapter invited all to a townhall meeting by Rep. Rick Larson on 20 October at 4:30 to 6:30 (16:30-18:30).
- On a sad note, new member Tom Hoddox lost a grandson in the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting. Austin Davis was 29.
Motion to adjourn: by somebody but I didn’t catch who. Meeting adjourned at 19:15 (7:15 pm).
Minutes of Meeting September 5, 2017
General Meeting called to order at @ 6:45 PM by President Gene Goldsmith
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation by Lonnie Rose
Moment of silence for POW/MIA
Roll Call of officers Term Expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres. Present
Dave Loomis, VP Present
Doug Spangler, 2nd VP Absent
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Excused
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Present
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present
Tom Marich, B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon, B of D Present 2019
Larry Martin, B of D Absent 2020
Peter Pavlik, B of D Absent 2019
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
David Osinski, B of D Absent 2018
Guests and their acknowledgement
Rosemarie Loomis
Melinda Quayle
Agnes Kenny
Dorothy Rood
Jim Smith
New members present and their acknowledgement
Howard Quayle
Secretary’s July minutes were reviewed prior to the meeting by the membership. The minutes are also posted on the chapter website, VVA165.org. Minutes were approved as drafted.
Treasurer’s August report was read by Ken Richardson. Discussion and questions followed. The report was approved as read.
Membership Update was given by Gene Goldsmith. The chapter currently has 279 members. There are 7 Auxiliary VVA members. Both totals are as of July 31, 2017.
Old Business
The Car Show was discussed. The Gearheads made a $500 donation. The Antique Truck Association has discussed making a $500 donation. Thanks were given to the Car Show Committee and to all of the volunteers for making this a successful event. The chapter made approximately $10,500 in profit from the show. Ken Richardson mentioned that next year he can probably get 10 to 12 Starbucks employees to work as volunteers at the show. Several thank you letters were read and Barkley Village wants us back next year and a tentative date has been set. There were 260 cars registered this year. Bill Bowen will look into the design and cost of acquiring a new VVA165 banner that can be placed over Victory Lane and be used for other chapter events. Ken Richardson mentioned that next year the Car Show Committee should prepare a budget and get approval of that budget from the chapter before any expenses are incurred.
A Plaque for Gary Lysne was shown to the membership. It is a plaque which commemorates the dedication of the new service office in Gary’s name and remembrance.
The Welcome Home Picnic was discussed by Gene Goldsmith. It was well attended and fun was had by all.
New Business
The VVA National Convention in Spokane in 2018 was discussed. Prior chapter approval set aside $4,000 of car show funds to support our chapter attendance at the convention. Funds will be set aside for that purpose. Motion made, seconded and passed.
Children of Vietnam Funding was discussed. $715 was allocated to support 5 children’s scholarships for the coming year. Motion made, seconded and passed.
A VVA165 Plaque from National was shown to the membership. It was a plaque honoring the chapter with the “National Membership Growth Award” for 2016. Thanks were given to the appropriate chapter members for their letter writing campaign.
The Silent Auction Winners were announced among the bidding chapter members. These auctioned items were undistributed car show items that needed to be auctioned.
The BTC Scholarship Breakfast was discussed by Gene Goldsmith. Kirk Lyon, Dave Loomis, Bill Bowen and one member to be determined will attend and represent the chapter. It will be held October 5, 2017 at 7:30 AM. See Kirk if you want to attend. The plaques commemorating Gary Lysne and Chiyoko Harada Radke are now up. Kirk requested that he be notified sooner on correspondence from BTC.
A Policy Statement was made by Gene Goldsmith regarding chapter purchases and donations to the chapter. One, only Gene approves and disburses money from the service account subject to the review and recommendations of the chapter officers and board. Two, no one can order items for the chapter without the approval of an officer. Three, VVA165 is a 501 (c) 3 corporation which means that donations to the chapter are tax deductible by the donor. Therefore, to protect that tax deductibility all donations must run through our accounts.
The Growing Veterans organization was discussed by Mike Hackett. They have two farms and they grow food to sell benefiting veterans. They also try to foster veteran fellowship. All chapter members are invited to visit the farms.
DAV and Chapter Volunteers are needed for Veterans Day signup. Gene Goldsmith passed out signup sheets. Volunteers will have booths in front of three Haggen stores this year.
Next meeting is October 3, 2017. Dinner will begin at 6 PM with the meeting at 7 PM. Spouses and guests are invited. Dave Loomis will fill in for Gene Goldsmith.
Good of the Order
First, Gene Goldsmith reminded the members to check their VFW monthly calendar for upcoming events.
Second, Gene Goldsmith requested that members consider volunteering to be drivers for the DAV van.
Third, Gene Goldsmith has VVA business cards and VVA membership applications to give out to members who may need them for recruitment or for other chapter business.
Fourth, Gene Goldsmith reminded the membership of the monthly breakfast the third Saturday of the month at Post 9301.
Motion to adjourn meeting at @ 7:50 PM. Motion seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned by Gene Goldsmith.
VVA Car Show 2017
The VVA Chapter 165 held its annual car show on 23 July, 2017 at the Barkley Center north parking lot. The weather in the morning was marine cloudiness overcast, which is great for the cars. Gradually it burned off to a sparkling day. There were well over 250 cars exhibited (the actual count was 275) and so many members of the public that no one could get an accurate count. No matter what your preference for movable iron, there were several on exhibit.
First, second and third place awards were given for vehicles prior to 1930, the decades of the ‘30s, ‘40s, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and 1980 to present.
The winner of the People’s Choice Award was … (drum roll please)…the ’67 Chevelle owned by Ron Berg. This great car also took home the first place awards for the ‘60’s decade as well as the Vietnam Era.
This was a great show and you all should have been there.
Minutes of July 11, 2017 meeting
General Meeting called to order at: 6:55 pm (18:55)
Pledge of Allegiance by: Gene Goldsmith
Invocation by: Gene Goldsmith
Moment of silence for POW/MIA
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Present 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Doug Spangler Absent 2018
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Present 2018
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present 2018
Tom Marich, B of D Present 2020
Larry D. Martin, B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon, B of D Excused 2019
Peter Pavlik, B of D Absent 2019
David Osinski, B of D Absent 2019
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
Doug Spangler, B of D Present 2018
Guests: Rosemarie Loomis, Nancy Blackketter, Dorothy Rood, Connie Marich, Lonnie Shere (Chpt. 1109), Kerry Painter (Chpt. 1109)
New members present: Robert (Bob) Hines
Secretary’s report: Moved Ken R., 2nd Randy E. approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved Dave L., 2nd Bill C, approved
Membership Update: The latest roster shows 281 members and 7 AVVA members
Old Business:
- Car show update. We will need +/- 30 volunteers to pull this off. There is a pressing need for registration tables, set up & take down, raffle sales, virtually anything you can think of. Please contact Tom Modica prior to the date so he can update his work list. There will be a rehearsal at the Barkley parking lot on Tuesday July 18 at 18:00 (6:00 pm) to go through the intricacies of registration, car parking etc. On Saturday 22 July we need folks to load pickups with the tables, chairs etc. Pick up at the VFW at 18:00 (still 6:00 pm). On the day of the car show 23 July please show up at 7:00 a.m. to help set up and gear up for the greatest show on earth. Well at least the greatest show at 2200 Rimland Drive on that day. Worker bees please park your cars in the gravel lot near Zodiac, across Woburn, to allow for attendees to park near the show. We will verify with the Talbot Co. this lot will be available.
- Remember on august 5th the Skagit Chapter, VVA 1109, already the 2nd largest in the state – behind you know who – hosts a welcome home potluck picnic from 11:00 to 15:00 (3pm). The location is 6254 Fruitdale North in Sedro. Access from Hwy 9. Look it up on your recon maps.
New Business:
- The chapter has provided Carhart pants and a shirt for Veteran K.C. Dilliard to be able to work a job at Janiki. Mr. Dilliard has had a string of bad luck and needed a boost.
Good of the order:
- Remember to check your VFW calendar. Check out the Memorial Day events.
- Please take some VVA business cards and carry an application form – just in case… They are available from Gene Goldsmith
- The DAV is looking for drivers.
- A big welcome back was offered to Jim Pace.
- VFW Post 9301 has breakfast this Saturday.
- 50/50 raffle winner was Rosie Loomis
Motion to adjourn: at 19:50 by Ken R, 2nd by Ray R. by acclamation
Minutes of June 6, 2017 meeting
General Meeting called to order at: 7:00 pm (19:00)
Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation and Moment of silence for POW/MIA
by: Gene Goldsmith
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Present 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Absent 2018
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present 2018
David Scattum, B of D Absent 2018
Bill Wilcox, B of D Present 2018
Kirk Lyon, B of D Present 2019
Richard Martinez, B of D Absent 2019
John Bradshaw, B of D Present 2018
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
Greg Bremer, B of D Present 2017
Guests: Rosemarie Loomis, Agnes Kenney, Nancy Blackketter
New members present: Soon to be a member BK Blackketter
Secretary’s report: Motion Ray R, 2nd Dave L, approved
Treasurer’s report: Motion Dave L, 2nd Gary P, approved
Membership Update: Increase of 3 to show 281 members and 7 AVVA members
Old Business:
- Memorial Day May 29th a big thank you to Kirk and the crew. We will need more help in the future. The park was not left as pristine and beautiful as it could have been. Just three or four old guys with bad tickers and backs showed up to load the evening before…
- Car Show – The car show will be held at the Barkley Center, 2200 block of Rimland drive. Doc H. reported we have all the trophy sponsors (22). We need help in several areas – judging, set up, cleanup, parking, etc. Please be sure to sign up. Dale Boe has the food well in hand. He will pick up at the next meeting. Posters and flyers are available for distribution. Contact Doc. Randy Turnbull brought up for discussion how to extract gift cards from potential sponsors. Bill B asked about Victory Lane and stated that photos of the winning entries for their owners and trophy sponsors make for good PR.
- The VVA 2019 convention is set for July 22-30 at the Grand Hotel and Doubletree in Spokane. In our March 2016 meeting the chapter voted to find a delegate to this convention.
- The Welcome Home Picnic sponsored by the Skagit Chapter is on August 5, at 6254 Fruitdale North, Sedro-Woolley. Help support those guys.
New Business:
- All attending elected officers and Board Members took the oath of office.
- A short discussion about holding a Hep C meeting for the chapter ensued. Decision that the informational meeting was not needed, since they were looking for at least 50 attendees.
- A request to help a USMC Vietnam Era veteran pay a PSE bill of $292.49 (split between the chapter and DAV). Motion by Dave L 2nd by Doug S approved.
- We have a published author in the chapter. Read Richard Brummett’s article in the Vietnam Veteran. It has already brought in a new kids sponsor (5). And Richard donated his pay for the article to the cause.
- Project Homeless Connect happens 21 July. Donations of sleeping bags, socks etc. will be appreciated. There is a special section for veterans. If anyone would like to volunteer to assist…
Next Meeting: Because no one will want to meet on the nation’s birthday (July 4th, remember) the next meeting is on July 11th. Dinner at 6:00, meeting at 7:00. There will be organization of the car show and other fun stuff. Show up!!!
Good of the order:
- Remember to check your VFW calendar. Check out the Memorial Day events.
- Please take some VVA business cards and carry an application form – just in case…
- the DAV needs drivers for the van to make the runs to/from Seattle. Any good driver is sought.
- The VFW post is holding a brat dinner this Friday. Check with the post for the time.
- There will be a Vietnam Day at the museum Paine Field On 23 September. A lot of the weaponry used in the war will be on display.
- The 50/50 raffle winner was Doug Spangler.
Motion to adjourn: by acclamation