Memorial Chapter #165

Bottle Auction

The Ron Davenport Memorial Chapter 165 held its 10th annual Bottle Auction on February 23,2018. The dinner and auction were attended by about 60  people who brought wrapped bottles to donate to the auction. All donated bottles were wrapped to hide their contents, and as such, a bottle could contain something very good, or something rather silly and unexpected. Also donated was an artist quality, handmade, exotic wood cutting board and two bowls by Kirk Lyon. Bill Bowen acted as auctioneer and Ken Richardson posed as Vanna White, his assistant. Tom Modica recorded the sales. Prior to the auction everyone enjoyed a lovely shrimp dinner organized by Cindy Mellema and hosted by the VFW 1585 Auxiliary. Many thanks to Vilale Co for donating the shrimp for the dinner. after the delicious meal, everyone was looking forward to bidding on the auction items. The auction raised $1,573 and all proceeds went to Chapter 165 selected charities.
