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Bottle Auction
The Ron Davenport Memorial Chapter 165 held its 10th annual Bottle Auction on February 23,2018. The dinner and auction were attended by about 60 people who brought wrapped bottles to donate to the auction. All donated bottles were wrapped to hide their contents, and as such, a bottle could contain something very good, or something rather silly and unexpected. Also donated was an artist quality, handmade, exotic wood cutting board and two bowls by Kirk Lyon. Bill Bowen acted as auctioneer and Ken Richardson posed as Vanna White, his assistant. Tom Modica recorded the sales. Prior to the auction everyone enjoyed a lovely shrimp dinner organized by Cindy Mellema and hosted by the VFW 1585 Auxiliary. Many thanks to Vilale Co for donating the shrimp for the dinner. after the delicious meal, everyone was looking forward to bidding on the auction items. The auction raised $1,573 and all proceeds went to Chapter 165 selected charities.
February 6, 2018 minutes
Before we get to the official minutes, just a word of thanks to Frank Wojciechowski and insert name here who put together a fine feast of corned beef and cabbage. I guess it was an early St. Patty’s Day dinner as Wojo will be gone for the next couple of meetings.
General Meeting called to order at: 18:40 (6:40 pm for those of you who forgot how to tell time in the military) by V.P. David Loomis
Pledge of Allegiance by: David Loomis
Invocation and Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Ron Wilson
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Excused 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Excused 2018
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present 2018
Tom Marsich, B of D Absent 2020
Larry Martin, B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon, B of D Absent 2019
Peter Pavlik, B of D Absent 2019
David Osinski, B of D Absent 2019
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
Guests: Rosie Loomis, Virginia Pace,
Potential new members present: Dave Dubler
Secretary’s report: approval moved by Ken R, 2nd by Ron W.
Treasurer’s report: for the month we are behind by nearly $1,500.00 for the fiscal year we show a gain of about $8,700.00. Moved, seconded and approved.
Membership Update: Jim Pace went through the chapter roster received from national and removed those who have passed. We have approximately 272 members presently.
Dave Wiggens is in the hospital, room 404, and receiving visitors. A WWII vet, named Walter DeKraii is also in the hospital.
Old Business:
- Bottle auction Feb 23rd, members (that means you) are encouraged to show up and participate. It will happen after the auxiliary hosts their shrimp dinner, a good deal at $10 / plate. Gene Goldsmith will not be the auctioneer this year. After discussion Bill Bowen is stepping up to take that slot, with Ken Richardson as assistant. Those two guys should be able to strong-arm money out of us. We hope to raise a couple thousand dollars.
New Business:
- A short discussion about the recitation of the Pledge of Alliagence. No change.
- Tom Modica announced the VASH bus passes are now valid for three months. A couple of vets have moved out to the county because of the increased mobility offered by the pass.
- The election for officers and Board of Directors was held.
Officers Results:
President David Loomis
Vice Pres Ron Wilson
Secy/Treas Tom Grinstad
- Board of Directors after discussion, membership voted to relieve directors who have been habitually absent. Those retired are:
Tom Marsich, Larry Martin, Peter Pavlik, David Osinski
elected are:
Randy Turnbull term expires 2020
Richard Martinez “ 2020
Kirk Lyon “ 2019
Doug Spangler “ 2019
George Douglas “ 2021
Tom Modica “ 2021
- Attending members voted last summer to assist Daniel Kiermaier of Maple Falls in construction of a wheelchair ramp to his residence. As of yesterday he was still waiting. Ron Wilson will visit this week to determine what is actually needed and coordinate the construction / installation. If anyone has an exercise machine not needed, perhaps you will consider donating to Daniel.
Good of the Order:
- check your VFW calendar
- Gene has VVA business cards and applications, take them and hand them out to any Vietnam vet who is not a member of the chapter.
- the DAV needs van drivers. It takes a month or more to get the certificate. The Bellingham van is now picking up for other locations as they have no drivers to put in the driver’s seat.
- Don’t forget the breakfast on the third Saturday at VFW 9301.
- Remember the fourth Saturday breakfast at VFW 1585.
- Richard Brummett reported that the Chocolate Ceremony in Vietnam has run its course, there will be no more. But due to the article about the Dragoon scholarship, 55 Vietnamese children are receiving benefits now.
- VFW Post 1585 will celebrate the 100th birthday of the fellow the post was named for.
- Tom Haddox and wife expressed gratitude to Jim Pace and the membership for the assistance to receiving 100% disability from the VA.
Motion to adjourn: There being no other business, meeting adjourned at 19:08 (7:08 pm)
Minutes of 2 January 2018
General Meeting called to order at: 18:55 (6:55 pm for those of you who forgot how to tell time in the military)
Pledge of Allegiance by: Gene Goldsmith
Invocation and Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Present 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Tom Grinstad, Secretary Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec. Excused 2018
Ken Richardson, Treasurer Present 2018
Tom Marsich, B of D Absent 2020
Larry Martin, B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon, B of D Present 2019
Peter Pavlik, B of D Absent 2019
David Osinski, B of D Absent 2019
Tom Modica, B of D Present 2018
Guests: Rosie Loomis, Benita Lipayon, Nancy Blackketter, Virginia Pace
Potential new members present: Richard Williams, Thomas Landray
Secretary’s report: After gentle ribbing regarding the lack of reportage of the December dinner, the non-report was approved by acclimation.
Treasurer’s report: moved to stand as read, the chapter is apparently 10 grand ahead.
Membership Update: at last count, 285, subject to change as 11 have deceased this year, but we have some new members not on the national roster as yet.
Old Business:
- Donation to LaFrienier family – they are doing ok. A donation is deemed not necessary.
- Bottle auction Feb 23rd, members (that means you) are encouraged to show up and participate. Gene Goldsmith will not be the auctioneer this year. After discussion Bill Bowen is stepping up to take that slot, with Ken Richardson as assistant. Those two guys should be able to strong-arm money out of us.
- The December dinner was a gustatory success. There were about 80 attendees. See the previous post for a more complete (?) report.
New Business:
- Service account issue regarding Lauri Anderson. After a bunch of discussion, the chapter decided to approve repaying Gene for the $1000 in bills he paid for her. All chapter officers, less one, were in favor of the action. Motion for approval by Randy E, 2nd by David
- The chapter received an anonymous donation of $3,000 to begin the funding of our memorial fund – to finance the Vietnam Memorial at Greenacres. The memorial is slated for construction in 2019, with a budget of $9,000, more or less.
- Nominations and election for chapter officers and Board of Directors happen next meeting. Put on your thinkin’ caps and be ready to nominate or volunteer to help run this chapter. A few men have been the stalwarts to keep this thing going and it is not fair that we rely on them exclusively. Others need to come forth and participate.
- Nancy Blackketter has volunteered to contribute membership notes to the Veteran magazine for the chapter. She and BK have become active here in the past year or so. A big “thank you” to her.
- Jim Pace proposed that the chapter buy a life membership to VVA ($100) for Caroline Davis, who is a volunteer at the Vets Center, assisting with lots of paperwork (nursing home forms etc), and she is a vet. 2nd by Ray R, approved.
- Bill Bowen has received no correspondence from the state organization regarding his letter of November. Typical of action by state.
Good of the Order:
- check your VFW calendar
- Gene has VVA business cards and applications, take them and hand them out to any Vietnam vet who is not a member of the chapter.
- the DAV needs van drivers. It takes a month or more to get the certificate. The Bellingham van is now picking up for other locations as they have no drivers to put in the driver’s seat.
- Don’ forget the breakfast on the third Saturday at VFW 9301.
Motion to adjourn: There being no other business, meeting adjourned at 19:55 (7:55 pm)
December 2017 dinner
A report of the December dinner is notably late. This reporter humbly asks for forgiveness. The need of reportage simply went above his head. Should anyone feel less forgiving, let him (or her) step forward and relieve me of this responsibility.
Since it is so late, many details have abandoned my memory, but I shall do the best that I can with the depleted resources at my disposal. The first notice as one stepped into the building was the wonderful aroma of roasting beast wafting from the lower floor. As you descended the stairs the hubbub of lively conversation arose in the ears. There were about eighty (80) folks in attendance, so the cacophony was nearly overwhelming. At times it was hard to hear what the neighboring person was thinking. It seemed that nearly every couple was engaged with others at their table discussing the state of the world – or recounting the best cartoon strip of the day.
Wojo (our notable chef) acquitted himself admirably. The roast baron of beef was cooked within an inch of perfection. There were more than ample sides for the omnivores among us. Potatoes, beans, corn, salad, and it seems to me more, as well. When all were stuffed to the bursting point, dessert was announced. There was a sheet cake with the chapter insignia and ice cream to top.
Everyone this reporter talked to thought the dinner was a roaring success. For those of you who chose not to inflict themselves on the rest of us – too bad. You missed an evening that was pretty close to terrific.
Minutes of 7 November 2017
The meeting was called to order at 18:57 (6:57 pm) by President Gene Goldsmith
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation was led by Lonnie Rose with a moment of silence for POW/MIA.
Roll Call of officers & directors: term expires
Gene Goldsmith, Pres Present 2018
Dave Loomis, VP Present 2018
Douglas Spangler, 2nd VP Absent 2018
Tom Grinstad, Sec Present 2018
Bill Cox, Asst. Sec Present 2018
Ken Richardson, Treas. Present 2018
Tom Marsich B of D Absent 2020
Larry Martin B of D Absent 2020
Kirk Lyon B of D Present 2019
Peter Pavlik B of D Absent 2019
David Osinski B of D Absent 2019
Tom Modica B of D Present 2018
Guests: Agnes Kenny, Dorothy Rood, Mary Boice, Liz Rose, Nancy Blackketter
New members: Possible new recruit introduced as Dick O’Bryan a member of the Seabees from 1967 to 1971. Welcome, Dick.
Secretary’s report: Moved to accept by Kirk L, 2nd by Bill B, approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved to accept by Tom G, 2nd by Dave L, approved
Membership update: The latest roster from national listed 283 members. AVVA 7
Old Business:
- The donation to the LaFrienier family is tabled until Pres. Gene can talk to Jessica LaFrieniere.
- Kirk Lyons reported on the BTC breakfast, where members met three of the scholarship recipients. One is somewhat advanced in years, 54, the others are in their 20’s. They are too busy with school and work to come to our meeting.
- The spouse dinner will be held at the VFW on 5 December. After a motion by Randy T, 2nd by Dave L and discussion it was decided to make Wojo whole for the last year’s event. This year the chapter will ask for donations at the door and make up the difference. Pres. Gene will work with the VFW bar to have two tickets per attendee for drinks.
- We still need help for the DAV fundraiser please sign up with Gene, three locations available and lotsa time.
New Business:
- Bottle auction date somewhere around Valentine’s Day to be coordinated with Cindy of the VFW aux. for the dinner and setup.
- Pres. Gene asked to see hands of all under 70 years old. Then he gave a pep talk to encourage them to step up to leadership positions in the VVA. Several in the leadership have been doing their jobs for quite a while and it is time for “new blood”. Come on guys, do your part.
The next meeting is December 5, 2017. A fancy dinner with guests – presumably your respective spouses (or is that plural spice ?)
Good of the Order
- Check the VFW calendar
- Keep a few VVA business cards and applications on hand to help recruit.
- the DAV badly needs drivers. Stanwood and Sedro Wooley have no buses because they have no drivers. If you’re fit, can drive and have insurance help get vets to the VA.
- Remember the breakfasts, 3rd Saturday at VFW 9301 and 4th Sat. here.
- The VFW 9301 auxiliary is sending 30 troop boxes to deployed Whatcom county servicepersons for the holidays. Liz Rose requested postage money in the amount of $532.50. Motion by Kirk L, 2nd by Randy E approved unanimously.
- Ray R displayed a drawing of the proposed Korean War memorial for the Whatcom Allied Veterans Council Memorial at Greenacres. They intend to raise $10,000.00 by the sale of memorial brick at a cost of $125 / brick. Give if you can
- Lonnie R was selling raffle tickets for a Henry lever action 22 cal. rifle benefiting VFW
- Bill B. shared the proposed design of the new VVA Chapter #165 banner. Discussion suggested a couple of changes in the design. Motion by Kirk L, 2nd by Bill C approved.
- VP Dave Loomis obtained a copy of the WASC “Financial Report” while attending the October Council meeting as the Chapter delegate. The report was presented and discussed. After having been presented with the Chapter’s financial report earlier, consisting of a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement, membership could see a stark contrast in the reports. Chapter Treasurer Richardson stated the Council report was not a financial report. Many questions arose regarding the Council report. A discussion point was that a substantial amount of funding for service offices in the state come from State Veteran funding (WDVA). As such, several senior chapter members will be addressing the matter to the State Council Treasurer.
- The 50/50 raffle for $80 was won by Ken R – donated back to the chapter.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 (19:58) to the delight of all, or most all.