Memorial Chapter #165

6 October 2020 Meeting

VVA Chapter 165

Meeting called to Order at 1700 by President David Loomis

Opening Ceremonies Performed

56 VVA/AVVA Members Present, Socially Distancing/mask recommended

Roll Call of Officers:

President:  David Loomis Present.        

Vice President:  Ron Wilson Present

Sec/Treasure: Tom Grinstad Absent/excused   

Chaplain: Lonnie Rose Present

B of D: Ken Richardson Absent

B of D: Mike Boice Present

B of D: Randy Turnbull: Present

B of D: Gene Goldsmith Present

B of D: George Douglas Present

B of D Duane Holliday Present

Guests: Alex Ambros, Brewster Loomer spoke on their BTC Scholarships

Daniel Park Korean Veteran (Associate Vietnam Veteran member), shared on how he wants to join us in doing events.  Spoke on wanting to be recognized by the Vietnam Veterans of American.

New Members present: 2 AVVA Deanna VanBeek  VVA Dick Gasden

Treasurer’s Report: Copies left on tables, Balance Savings $26,036.06, checking $5,437.64 no questions

Membership update: VVA 308.. AVVA 55

Old Business: None

New Business: Gene Goldsmith spoke and read letters to the recipients of BTC VVA scholarship. Motion made by George Douglas, seconded by VP Ron Wilson To change the name of Scholarship Fund from Ron Hansen to “Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #165 Scholarship”. Passed unanimously- Gene Goldsmith will handle the change.

Motion made by Randy Turnbull to transfer $5,000 from the Savings to the BTC Scholarship funds. Seconded by Gary Pettigrew. Passed unanimously – Gene Goldsmith will handle Money to BTC

President Dave Loomis talked to us about moving the Memorial Day picnic to the day before – Memorial Day Sunday May 30th, so that everyone was not so stretched to do all events, and it would give everyone an opportunity to have a day to spend more time with each other.

Motion made by VP Ron Wilson to move picnic to the day before Memorial Day, Sunday May 30th. Seconded by Chaplain Lonnie Rose.  Passed unanimously

Ron Wilson spoke about the plan for a Memorial at Green Acres for Gold Star Mother’s.

Motion made by Ron Wilson to donate $2,500 towards this memorial at Green Acres for Gold Star Mother’s seconded by Gary Pettigrew. Passed unanimously.

Good of the Order: President Dave Loomis asks for members to step up for positions of officers for 2021. Randy Turnbull and President Dave Loomis will chair a committee to contact people on 2021 officers. President Dave Loomis asked Darleen to contact 1585 about a possible bottle auction. Mike Boise will find out about the Memorial Day parade. Lana Haddox shared info on caregiving. Ron Wilson is looking for names to be recognized. 50/50 Raffle: Randy Turnbill won, amount donated back to chapter.

Money collected for dinner, $114.

Closing Ceremonies performed

Motion to Adjourn: 6:30pm

Respectfully Submitted

Elizabeth Rose AVVA
