Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes of 4 August 2020

General Meeting called to order at: 17:00 by President Dave Loomis

Open ceremonies performed

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          David Loomis, Pres                                   P                 2020

          Ron Wilson, VP                                         P                 2020

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      A                 2020

          Ken Richardson, B of D                            A                 2020

          Mike Boice, B of D                                    P                 2020

          Randy Turnbull, B of D                             P                 2020

          Gene Goldsmith, B of D                           A                 2020

          George Douglas, B of D                           P                 2021

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2021

Guests: None

New members present: None

Secretary’s report: None

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved Consolidated report

Membership Update: Approximately 360 VVA, AVVA Signed up 5 new members at Aug. 1 picnic.

Old Business:     

          1.      VP Ron Wilson spoke about his work aiding veterans with building wheelchair ramps in the past few months

New Business:

          1.      President Dave Loomis spoke about the car show 2021. The date is set as 18 July, 2021. Car show committee will meet and work out details. Randy Turnbull received a donation from Bill Padette $150 for the car show. Randy also talked to the property manager for the site and arranged details. Doc Holliday gave updates on the flyers and signs for the car show.

          2.      Dave Loomis will contact Dale Boe about food concessions for next year, cooking, equipment, permits, etc.

          3.      About 6 members will be needed to step up and help with cooking. Contact Dave Loomis at 360 715 1489 to assist.

          4.      Doc H said that Facebook still has Modica as contact for the car show. Tom G will try to correct and have Doc as contact at 360 733 5119.

          5.     Joel Douglas will check and see what we can do to apply for military food truck to be donated to us. Then we will draft a letter of request. Pres. Dave will contact post 7 to see if they have a truck.

          6.     As soon as the Chapter can have a safe meeting, we will talk about the “last man standing” for our chapter and Vietnam Veterans to be presented at the next National Convention.

          AVVA member Malcolm Oliver lead the members in song, God Bless America.

          AVVA member Elizabeth Rose took notes of the meeting. Thank you Liz.

          50/50 Raffle Won by: Mike Boice $20.

Good of the Order:     Dave Loomis shared that Little Ceasar’s Pizza on Lakeway gave a discount of ½ price on dinner tonight. We gave them a certificate of appreciation.

          Members spoke about breakfast and lunch options for the car show.

Meal donations collected $ 79.00 Pizza cost 64.94.

          Closing ceremonies performed.

Motion to adjourn:  17:40
