Memorial Chapter #165

December 5 dinner

Social Meeting 4 December 2018


The formal meeting was called to order at 18:30 (6:30pm)

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President David Loomis

The Invocation and moment of silence fro POW/MIA was given by Lonnie Rose

Gene G gave a short spiel for the Vietnam War Memorial and memorial bricks.


In new business Tom G moved that the chapter support member Alan Stanchi, who is battling cancer and having some problem in keeping ahead of medical bills, by donating $1000.00 to him. Seconded by Ken R. motion carried unanimously.

Jim P read a letter by Prexy Dave in support of Young Soo Kim and the Korean soldiers who fought alongside U.S. forces in Vietnam.

The formal meeting ended at 18:44 (6:44 pm) or thereabouts.

Everyone piled into a line for salad and the dinner began. Wojo, Gene and Frank, along with able kitchen help put on a feast. I believe the entrée was Baron of Beef and Baron of Ham (?). Or should that be Earl of Ham. Great mashed potatoes, vegetables gravy and atsa hot horseradish accompanied. I spoke to no one who was disappointed. The kitchen crew received deserved accolades.

This Spousal (?) Dinner is greatly anticipated. It is a true highlight of the Chapter’s year. Well done by all who put it on. For those of you who were not there – you missed a good time.

Don’t forget breakfast is served at VFW Post 9301 15 Dec. 8:00 – 11:00

And at Legion Post 7 16 Dec 9:00 – 11:00

The 50/50 raffle netted $67.00
