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Minutes of 5 July 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 18:15 (6:15 pm) by Pres. Bob
Pledge of Allegiance by: Dave Loomis
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Ray Radke, B of D A 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Guests: Albert Lyduschuk (?), Bill Moore – who will join as soon as he can corral his DD214. Stacy Phelps, Cheryl and Jennifer from Peace Health Hospice; Glenda and Jeri from Home Care
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: No new figures, but Randy Turnbull is in Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle receiving treatment.
Old Business:
1. Steve announced that the AVVA needs one more officer to be able to incorporate and become official. Someone step up.
2. Steve also said that there are still 55 families in temporary shelter after the severe flooding in the Sumas area last November. There are a couple of fund-raising efforts taking place this month.
New Business:
1. Ron W. will front the $50 for donut purchase from Haggen’s
2. A petition circulated to ask the county to reconsider demolition of the old NorBell nursing home. It is proposed to turn it into a vets’ center for the county.
3. 6 August is the picnic at Ande Michelle’s place in Sedro Wooley. The VVA national president is planning to attend.
4. There will be no meeting in August. We will all be recovering from the car show. And we don’t want to compete with the Sedro function.
5. Ron W. moved to purchase new flags for the chapter, including a VVA flag. Seconded and approved.
6. Pete Kremen wants short PSAs that he can deliver over the PA system during the car show. Send him your ideas pkremen@comcast.net. Phone 360 734 3802.
7. A celebration of life for Tom Haddox occurs 21 August.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Ruth $41.
Good of the Order: nothing left to say
Motion to adjourn: at approximately 19:20 (7:20 pm).
Donations tonight – $89. Meal expense $227.96
Minutes of 7 June 2022
Meeting called to order at 18:20 (6:20 pm) by President Bob
Pledge of allegiance by Malcolm Oliver
Lonnie Rose gave the invocation and moment of silence for POW/MIA
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Bob Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D P 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D A 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Guests: Elaine Dickenson
New members present: Kevin Dickenson, Richard (whose last name I didn’t get)
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: VVA 355, AVVA 80
Old Business:
1. A memorial for Tom Haddox will be held at American Legion Post #7 on 21 August. More details to come.
2. VP Ron discussed the DAR arch at Greenacres.
3. Doc announced the Car Show Committee meeting 8 June at 3:00 pm same venue
4. Malcolm O gave an update on the effort to gain a veteran’s center here in Whatcom County. After a vigorous discussion it was decided to have Malcolm and the others try to obtain a meeting with county council/executive.
5. Larry M revisited the compensation to President Bob to travel from his home in Seattle for VVA business. A proposed $0.85/mile was seconded and approved.
New Business:
- State Council President Francisco Ivarra gave a short talk about the VA reevaluation of their systems and care delivery. A new facility in Everett will be next to “cutting edge”. He also reminded us that this November 11th will be the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Wall. National is planning a celebration, for as was noted very few of us will be around for the 50th. He also said that National President Jack McManus will attend the Welcome Home picnic in Sedro-Woolley on Sat. August 6.
- Treasurer Tom called for funding of the VASH bus passes via the WTA to the tune of $400. Moved seconded and approved.
50/50 raffle netted the chapter $35.
Donations this evening came to $70. Meal expenses $119.55.
Donations at the Memorial Day picnic came to $107.00…
Good of the Order: It’s summer (almost) so nothing much else is happening. Meeting adjourned at 19:35 (7:35 pm).
May 3rd minutes
General Meeting called to order at: 18:15 (6:15pm) by President Bob Aspiras
Pledge of Allegiance by: Malcolm O
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie R
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Ray Radke, B of D P 2023
Larry Montgomery B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy P 2023
Guests: Glenda Sinclair, Jeri Hawk, Jesse Enriquez, Tim Sodden, Shane Sodden,
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved as amended
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: 355 VVA, 80 AVVA
Old Business:
- Pres. Aspiras briefly went over the Roberts Rules of Order.
- Glenda and Jeri gave a ten-minute presentation on a little-known VA benefit regarding home care. They assert that the vet pays nothing. Contact information was shared.
- A bunch of certificates of appreciation were given out to: Jesse Enriquez, Tim Sodden, Shane Sodden, Sean Dalgarn, Jared Bocek. If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.
- Pres. Aspiras gave a short report on the state council meeting in Toppenish.
New Business:
1. Moved and seconded that the chapter provide Pres. Aspiras a travel stipend of 44 cents/mile. After discussion, the motion was amended to $25 per meeting. The motion was tabled for more discussion at the next meeting.
2. Malcolm O announced that a meeting will be held on 10 May at the American Legion Post 7 at 1:30 pm (13:30) to discuss the fate of the NW Annex, which the county seems to intend to tear down. Some want the facility to be repurposed for a veterans’ facility. There is a fairly large veteran population in the county and to gain many services they have to travel to Mt Vernon, Everett or Seattle.
3. Saturday May 28th is the Whatcom Memorial Day Parade. We will have a presence in the parade, all are invited to walk or ride with us.
4. Sunday May 29th will be the dedication of the Gold Star Mothers’ Memorial Arch at Greenacres. The Legion will supply refreshments. A speech by Col. Wes Weston and entertainment will follow.
5. Monday May 30th our chapter will hold its annual picnic at Hovander Park at 4 pm (16:00). We need volunteers to setup and take down, serve, cleanup etc. Everybody come please.
6. Doc H called for volunteers for the car show in July. He announced the committee will have a meeting 8 June at 15:00 (3:0pm) at the VFW.
7. Add new President Robert Aspiras to WECU signature card, remove Loomis and Goldsmith.
- 4 July Post 1585 raffle for Golden Boy rifle. Open to folks 21 or older. Tickets are $20/each. 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes are silver…
50/50 Raffle Won by: Glenda S. who donated back to chapter $ 65 total.
Donations tonight totaled $167.
Motion to adjourn: made at 20:05 (8:05pm) adjourned.
Minutes of 5 April 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 18:50 (6:50pm) by President Loomis
Pledge of Allegiance by: Pres. Loomis
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
David Loomis, Pres P 2022
Ron Wilson, VP P 2022
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2022
Ken Richardson, B of D P 2022
Randy Turnbull, B of D P 2022
Sam Houston, B of D P 2022
Gene Goldsmith, B of D P 2022
George Douglas, B of D P 2022
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2022
Guests: Greg Hawley, Mike & Martha Welch, Francisco Ivarra
New members present: George Mills
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved as amended
Membership Update: 350 VVA, 80 AVVA
Old Business:
1. New slate of officers, delegates and directors elected
New Business:
1. New officers, directors and delegates sworn in by State Council President Ivarra.
2. New President Robert Aspiras introduced himself (gave a little background) and assumed role as president.
3. Liz Witowski was called upon to explain the role of the Whatcom County Veterans Program. She explained that among the duties of the program is to help low-income veterans get and maintain permanent housing. It also carries out a volunteer drive program, driving folks to medical appointments etc. The 114 fund services indigent veterans (those with an income lower than $2,900/mo. for a couple). This fund can help with burial services, rent, utility payments etc. Liz reported that the office assisted 648 veterans last year. She can be reached by calling 360 778 6050.
Liz also noted that all Vietnam vets qualify for VA benefit claims. She encouraged us all to enroll, for our spouse’s benefit if not our own. She also encouraged all to attend the board meetings (on Zoom) and to apply for any open position on the board.
4. Francisco Ivarra remarked that 29 March is Vietnam Veterans’ Day, a day we should all commemorate. It is our day. He also noted that the Washington State Council VSOs are first in the nation in bringing dollars to the state. There is a council meeting in Toppenish this Sat. April 9th from 13:00-16:00 (1:00-4:00pm) at the Yakima Warriors Building. The National VVA board meeting is 20-23 April in Washington, DC. He will be attending.
Francisco ended with a presentation to outgoing president Dave Loomis for his excellent leadership over the past few years. Good job, Dave.
5. Randy T moved the chapter donate $500.00 to VFW 1585, seconded and approved.
6. Ken R moved the chapter support the Memorial Day parade to the tune of $1,000, seconded and approved.
7. Ron W moved the chapter support the Welcome Home picnic this year with $1,000, seconded and approved.
8. Doc H called for volunteers for the car show in July. He announced the committee will have a meeting 13 April at 15:00 (3:0pm) at the VFW.
9. John F. noted that the parade registration is now open and urged the chapter to register.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Ken R. donated back to chapter $ 85.
Donations tonight totaled $165.
Motion to adjourn: made at 20:10 (8:10pm) adjourned.
Minutes of 1 March 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 6:45 (18:30) by Pres. Dave Loomis
Pledge of Allegiance by: Malcolm Oliver
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
David Loomis, Pres P 2022
Ron Wilson, VP P 2022
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2022
Ken Richardson, B of D P 2022
Randy Turnbull, B of D P 2022
Sam Houston, B of D P 2022
Gene Goldsmith, B of D P 2022
George Douglas, B of D P 2022
Duane Holliday, B of D A 2022
Guests: Sue Richardson, Dorothy Rood, Diane Caragio Leah Rosetti
New members present: Pete Chorney, Dan Campbell, Donna Treoker
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: VVA members – 348, AVVA members – 80
Old Business:
1. Steve Jordan new State AVVA representative reported he met with region 8 to finalize requirements for this AVVA chapter to incorporate. The chapter will need a founding membership of 15, and select officers to be accountable to the membership.
2. Leah R. reported that fundraising for Brigadoon rescue dogs has raised about $13,700.
3. Darlene C noted that the Gold Star Mothers arbor for Greenacres is nearing completion. Ben Brown reported that the arch has been rolled by Reinke and that fabrication begins this week.
4. There was a discussion regarding the Whatcom County Veterans’ Advisory Board and the Allied Veterans of Whatcom County, their respective duties and responsibilities. A suggestion that Liz Harmon come talk to the membership again was recommended.
5. No news to report regarding the NW Annex property.
New Business:
1. WA State Council of VVA meets 9 April at the Yakima Warriors Building, Toppenish, WA. Legends Casino has rooms available at special rate.
2. Sunday 13 March is National K-9 Veterans Day
3. Tuesday 29 March is Vietnam Veterans Day
4. John Ferdon reported on planning for the Memorial Day Parade to be held on Memorial Day this year.
5. Election by voice vote the slate was approved:
President: Robert Aspiris Election Committee:
Vice President: Ron Wilson Randy Turnbull
Secy / Treas: Tom Grinstad John Forgette
Chaplain: Lonnie Rose Larry Murray
Membership: David Loomis
Board Members State Delegate
David Loomis Larry Montgomery
James Houston Raymond Radke
Raymond Radke Michael Hackett
Larry Montgomery Tom Grinstad
Charles Muggy David Loomis
Randy Turnbull George Douglas
50/50 Raffle Won by: Ruthe Ashe
Good of the Order: Reminder VFW Post 1585 has breakfast 8:00 – 10:00 27 March. $10 / $5 children…
Motion to adjourn: adjourned at 7:30 (19:30)