Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes April 6, 2016 meeting

Minutes of Meeting 5 April 2016

General Meeting called to order at: 6:15 by President Gene Goldsmith

Pledge of Allegiance: Gene Goldsmith

Invocation by: Gene Goldsmith

Moment of silence for POW/MIA

Roll Call of officers:

Gene Goldsmith, Pres                    present

Dave Loomis, VP                             present

Gary Lysne, 2nd V.P.                       present

Bill Cox, Secretary                           present

Ken Richardson, Treasurer           present

Tom Darling, B of D                        absent

Richard Martinez, B of D               absent

John Bradshaw, B of D                   absent

Tom Modica, B of D                         absent

Greg Bremer, B of D                        present

Tom Grinstad, Asst. Secy.              present


President Gene took a moment to recognize that we had a room full of guests and everyone present introduced themselves. Then it was dinner time. According to the count by Yvonne there were 67 members, wives and guests in attendance. At approximately 7:25 the business meeting began.

New members present: Two new members – did not get their names


Secretary’s March minutes published on line. Moved to approve Ed S 2nd by Lonnie r.

Treasurer’s year-end report Ken went briefly through the printouts, reported taxes done and accepted by IRS. Motion to approve by Bill W, 2nd by Curt.

Membership Update: stands at 275


Old Business:

  1. Discussion about representation at State. Call for volunteers to stand for WSAC officers/board. No one stepped up. A question by Randy T. is there value in having chapter exposure at state. Decided that Gene G, David L, and Bill Bowen will attend State meeting on the 23rd. Official delegates for state are: Goldsmith, Lysne, Loomis, Cox, Bowen, Elmore, Rose, Richardson, Scattum, Pettigrew, alternates: George Douglas, Richard Wilson, Bill Wilcox.
  2. Car Show – neither Tom Modica nor Dale Boe present so no update.
  3. Memorial Day – shaping up nicely. Lisa Kirk Brown to be featured speaker. Jim Nylands will do benediction. Two cakes approved to buy at Haggen’s and the beans come from Kelly’s O’deli.


New Business:

  1. 31 names added to e-mail list thus far.
  2. Receipt acknowledged of donation by the Rickenbackers in the amount of $2,400.00. Bill Cox will write the thank you letter.


Next meeting is, 3 May 2016.


Good of the Order:

  1. Check VFW calendar Bobby doing piano bar
  2. WW1 event at Lynden Museum 23 April
  3. DAV van Winfred Mack retired the VA has found a full-time employee to do the scheduling and driving…
  4. There will be a meet and greet with Elizabeth Scott running to replace Susan Del Bene. (How to remove incumbents.) Gene and Yvonne are hosting at Lairmont Manor April 21st 5:30 to 7:30
  5. Cards saying “thank you for your service” from Lynden Middle School, Jeff Seaholm instructor. All the cards should have found a home with someone.
  6. Richard will present photos of the 7th annual Chocolate Day in Vietnam next meeting.


Motion to adjourn: by Ken Richardson at approximately 8:00 pm.
