Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes of 7 November 2023               

General Meeting called to order at: 18:20 (6:20pm) by President Richard Carpenter

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Chaplain Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          Richard Carpenter, Pres                          P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             P                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                P                 2025

Guests: Travis Meginniss

New members present: Robert Johnson, Tom Boyhan (?)

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA-401, AVVA-121 per David Loomis

Old Business:

  1. Ron Wilson, Larry Montgomery and Sam Houston built a wheelchair ramp for Randy Turnbull. All materials were donated by Home Depot. Remember this when shopping for home improvements.
  2. DAR presented certificates of recognition to all members who supplied their name. A group photo was taken of the whole bunch. Welcome Home Veterans.
  3. Be aware that scammers are trying to hit members of the chapter. The secretary has several spam emails per day.

Steve Jordan reported that AVVA is registered with the state. The national application must be renewed, some signatures were out of date. He expects this to be resolved this month.

New Business:

  1. Board of Directors meeting held 31 October. Several items discussed.
  2. Moved seconded and approved to pay VFW for use of the hall. Treasurer will cut the check.
  3. Discretionary funds up to specified limit were approved with one dissenting vote. Moved second approved.
  4. Member Randy Turnbull is in poor health. A way to contact him for visitation has been emailed to membership.
  5. State President Francisco Ivarra reported:
  6. He made a presentation to the DAR last Saturday night.
  7. The VVA is a “last person standing” organization, but we aren’t going anywhere. We will still be active working for veterans.
  8. Nationally the membership is increasing, while veteran population is decreasing.
  9. The VVA has advocated for Korean (ROK) veterans to be covered by the VA, with Korea footing the bill. This is SB 2648.
  10. The next VVA national convention is to be held in New Orleans in 2024.
  11. The state of Washington is the leader in obtaining benefits for veterans. Our VSO team is tops.
  12. Locally, we now have a VSO officer, Shawn Dalgarn, in the Vets’ Center, 3800 Byron Ave, Suite 124. Phone 360 733 9229.

A motion to support the Naval Seaplane Museum in Oak Harbor was tabled to next month for a decision.

50/50 Raffle: won by someone unidentified

Good of the Order: Remember so donate used ink cartridges to the chapter.

11 November is Veterans’ Day, find a celebration and join in.

A donated Mauser rifle is going to be raffled off.

Next meeting is 5 December 2023. A big spread in honor of the wives and significant others of the membership. Please attend.

Motion to Adjourn: Came at 19:25 (7:25 pm)
