Memorial Chapter #165

Minutes of 5 September 2023

General Meeting called to order at: 18:25 by Pres. Richard Carpenter

Pledge of Allegiance by: V.P. Donna Trecker

Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose

Roll Call of officers:                                                           term expires

          Richard Carpenter, Pres                          P                 2025

          Donna Trecker, VP                                   P                 2025

          Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer      P                 2025

          David Loomis, B of D                                P                 2025

          Lonnie Rose, B of D                                  P                 2025

          Sam Houston, B of D                                P                 2025

          Charles Muggy, B of D                             A                 2025

          Duane Holliday, B of D                             P                 2025

          Dan Norvelle, B of D                                A                 2025


New members present: Tom Filion, U.S. Army, Truk Tolstad (donated to chapter) AVVA

Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved

Membership Update: VVA 400, AVVA 117

Old Business:

  1. Welcome Home BBQ at Sedro Wooley was a success. Didn’t hear what the attendance was.

2. Chapter donated $400 to have veteran’s apartment cleaned so he wouldn’t be evicted

New Business:

  1. Doc Holliday moved to provide $1,000 donation to Brigadoon Service Dogs. Moved to amend motion to $2,000 by Lonnie, passed overwhelmingly.
  2. Another of our members, Roy Mattingly needs help to fix his roof. He has the roofing tar, and a fork lift to get to the roof, but cannot do it by himself. Phone 360 383 7469 if you can assist.
  3. Darlene Carlson, the DAR chief locally has arranged for a presentation to our chapter at the next meeting. Any Gold Star Mothers, family members, veterans are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be 3 October, meal at 5:30, meeting at 6:30.
  4. Pres. Richard Carpenter read a portion of a letter to the chapter received from Ron Wilson. The matter is now closed.
  1. Upcoming September events:

11 Sep. – Patriot Day

15 Sep – National POW/MIA Recognition Day

     “         VFW Post 1585 Garage sale pre-sale

16 Sep – VFW Post 1585 Garage sale begins at 9:00 – 3:00 pm

    “          Annual Kenny Payne Pig Roast dinner starts at 5:00 pm

17 Sep – Garage Sale continues until noon

18 Sep – U.S.A.F. birthday (1949) also CIA birthday

24 Sep – Gold Star Mothers’ Day       “        VFW breakfast 8:00 to 10:00 $10 adults / $8 children

11 Sep. – Patriot Day

15 Sep – National POW/MIA Recognition Day

     “         VFW Post 1585 Garage sale pre-sale

16 Sep – VFW Post 1585 Garage sale begins at 9:00 – 3:00 pm

    “          Annual Kenny Payne Pig Roast dinner starts at 5:00 pm

17 Sep – Garage Sale continues until noon

18 Sep – U.S.A.F. birthday (1949) also CIA birthday

24 Sep – Gold Star Mothers’ Day

      “        VFW breakfast 8:00 to 10:00 $10 adults / $8 children

Remember to donate used ink cartridges to the chapter.

7. Lonnie Rose announced that there is a veteran’s handy man, Steve Weden 360 319 1514. He’s apparently a good guy.

50/50 Raffle:      won by V.P. Donna Trecker who donated back $20

Good of the Order:

          A certificate of appreciation given to Tom Filion for assistance.

          Chapter Board of Directors’ meeting 26 Sept. at 3:00 pm VFW

Motion to Adjourn: made at 18:56, one of our shorter meetings.
