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Minutes of 3 January 2023
General Meeting called to order at: 18:15 by President Robert Aspiras. Bob remarked that he is trying to take us to a “better place” where we can leave disagreements at the door.
Pledge of Allegiance by: Prexy Bob
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Prexy Bob
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D P 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Guests: Doug & Arlene Hudson, Jesse McCully, Merlyn Mitchell, Ande Mitchelle, Bob Ferguson, Bob “The Animal” Garrison
New members present: Joe Macari
Secretary’s report: no action
Treasurer’s report: no action
Membership Update: VVA = 369, AVVA = 95
Old Business:
1. The chapter has purchased a conex box for storage to be based at Ron Wilson’s property. The purchase was made from Joe Macari (Refrigerator Conssultant) of MJS Industries in Ferndale.. We now will relinquish the rented conex and return it to Everson Mini-storage. To occur this month.
2. President Bob noted that he had been interviewed by a Senior Editor, Ian Murphy of the YGS Group in Chicago for a publication regarding, Chapter 165’s recruiting, renovation of the NW Annex, the fund-raising of the Annual Car Show and assistance to local veterans in need, including homelessness, free bus passes upon request and recovery from natural disasters. Also our chapter is involved in helping veterans acquire marketable job skills by maintaining a scholarship endowment of more than $105,000 at the Bellingham Technical College.
3. Ray Radke was in the spotlight this meeting. He recounted his early life and how he came to be in the army. It was a long and interesting tale. He retired after 30 years with the rank of sergeant major (command?).
New Business:
1. Ron Wilson presented checks of $1,000 & $500 to treasurer.
2. Francisco Ivarra, state council president, spoke on the VVA’s VSO work. Washington still leads the nation in the work of our VSOs. The state awarded the council a $240,000 grant to continue the work.
3. Pres. Ivarra presented certificates of appreciation to: Dave and Rosie Loomis, Chuck and Lelonni Muggy, Doc Holliday and Bob Aspiras. Additionally, special awards and recognition to Larry Montgomery and Ron Wilson.
4. Motion by Dave Loomis to move the meeting time and day to the first Wednesday of the month at 12:30PM. After much discussion, the proposal was tabled until next month.
5. Motion by Larry Montgomery to support this year’s Welcome Home Picnic to the amount of $1000. Seconded and approved by voice vote.
6. Motion by Doc Holliday to provide flowers to the Goldsmiths for the funeral of their son. Seconded and approved.
7. Next car show meeting is February 6th at 3PM. Next VVA meeting is Tuesday, February 7th with dinner at 5:30PM and meeting at 6:30PM.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Virginia Crawford $32
Good of the Order: Next month nominations for officers and directors. Be thinking who you would like to serve you in these capacities. Motion to adjourn: made at 19:35 (7:35 pm)
Minutes of 6 December 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 18:20 by Pres. Bob Aspiras
Pledge of Allegiance by: Malcolm Oliver
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D P 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Guests: William Sanchez Navy veteran of ‘70s. Picked up 3 sets of astronauts. Ray and Carla Van Beek, Dorothy Rood, Karen Brown
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: New totals VVA=371, AVVA=96
Old Business:
1. State Council President Francisco Ivarra gave a short report on the 40th anniversary celebration of the Vietnam Wall. The short of it is that he felt the best talk was given by a VN nurse, who had many audience members afflicted with wet eye syndrome. She served in Chu Lai and had many memories of young guys in a nearly endless stream with missing extremities, etc. Region 8, our region was well represented and our chapter sent Bob Aspiras, Ron Wilson and Larry Montgomery. The region representatives went as a group to museums, Arlington Cemetery, Kennedy’s grave, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and of course – the Wall.
New Business:
1. Ray Van Beek spoke of the Veterans Banner Project, which places banners of veterans at various sites in the county. A picture of the veteran and info concerning his/her service is what’s needed to produce a banner approximately 36” x 48” to be hung in approved sites. His contact info: 360 815 3255, rcvb5@aol.com
2. Doc Holliday was in the spotlight today. A smart guy who was drafted into the army, he extended to avoid Vietnam. So, guess where he deployed? Doc related a story about the Chinook taking fire, crash landing and having to splice electronics to get it flying again.
3. Bob Aspiras shared a trailer pumping the Army / Navy game to be played this Saturday.
4. Malcolm Oliver gave a short update on the progress of the annex project.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Lana Haddox $22
Good of the Order: Have a great holiday season. See you all next year. Let’s get more folks involved.
Attendance: 42 signed in tonight.
Motion to adjourn: 19:10 (7:10 pm)
Minutes of 1 November 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 18:12 (6:12 pm) by Pres. Bob Aspiras
Pledge of Allegiance by: Pres. Aspiras
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D A 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Guests: Bonnie Parten, Larry Schaffer, Gary Patterson
New members present: Bob Lubin (sp), Bob Parten
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: VVA – 369; AVVA – 95
Old Business:
1. Board of Directors meeting 31 October, good discussion, decisions to be announced shortly
2. Pres. Bob has some ideas to increase meeting attendance – move time to afternoon; perhaps car pool; run meetings efficiently.
3. NW Annex meeting results forthcoming from Pres. Bob
New Business:
1. 11 Nov. at 11:00 Boy Scouts holds a memorial ceremony at Bayview Cemetery. All veterans welcome
2. 5 Nov. 11:00 57th Annual Veterans Day Parade in Auburn, WA. Be there or be square.
3. In D.C. on the 11th there is a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery at 11:00. And at 13:00 (1:00 pm) is a ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (the Wall). Also in D.C. is a massing of the colors.
4. 5 Dec. is a Car Show meeting time to be announced.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Ruth Ashe $32
Good of the Order: Be safe out there
Motion to adjourn: At 18:53 (6:53 pm)
October 3, 2022 Minutes
General Meeting called to order at: 18:20 (6:20 pm) by President Bob Aspiras
Pledge of Allegiance by: Malcolm Oliver
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Lonnie Rose
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP P 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D P 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D A 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D A 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D P 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Guests: Glenda Sinclair, Francisco Ivarra – who shows up so often he should be considered a member.
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: 368 VVA 80 AVVA
Old Business:
1. Chuck gave report on the great Honey Crisp Apple giveaway.
2. Darlene Carlson talked about Wreaths Across America program. Here in NW at Hawthorne Cemetery, Mt. Vernon 17 December.
3. Glenda Sinclair asked clarity on assistance (financial and otherwise) to veterans and what our Chapter’s role is. Generally first stop is Veterans’ Center and allied veterans’ council.
New Business:
- Francisco Ivarra spoke about the 40th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Memorial (the Wall). Region 8, that’s us guys, will send a delegation to present colors at the wall. Montana is sending 20 or more. This chapter is sending 3 (Bob Aspiras, Ron Wilson and Larry Montgomery) Motion by Dave Loomis to assist with expenses to tune of $2,000.00 per chapter delegate. 2nd and approved. I didn’t get a copy of the schedule, but there are many official programs 7-12 November.
- Francisco also discussed the Memo of Understanding between VVA national and Veterans Voice of America regarding the gradual assumption of VSO duties by the Voice as the VVA diminishes through attrition.
- Ron Wilson noted that Odis Warren – state treasurer is in contact with a chainsaw carver who has created a memorial cross for the families of the 13 who lost their life in the evacuation of Kabul. He needs help in shipping the work, approximately $300 per work. Moved seconded and approved to provide $1,500 to WA State Council for such purpose.
- Malcolm gave brief update on the struggle to get a real Vets’ Center here in Whatcom. Eight retired docs are ready to serve.
- Tom G asked for a motion to provide $400.00 to VASH bus pass program at WTA. Moved, seconded and approved.
- Tom G read letter from Dean Fulton BTC scholarship director and asked membership to think about further endow the scholarship fund. This will carry to next meeting.
50/50 Raffle Won by: someone I couldn’t see. $30.
Good of the Order: Don’t forget VFW breakfasts
Motion to adjourn: at approximately 19:35 (7:35 pm).
Minutes of 6 September 2022
General Meeting called to order at: 18:15 (6:15 pm)
Pledge of Allegiance by: Malcolm Oliver
Invocation by & Moment of silence for POW/MIA by: Ken Rood
Roll Call of officers: term expires
Robert Aspiras, Pres P 2023
Ron Wilson, VP A 2023
Tom Grinstad, Secretary / Treasurer P 2023
David Loomis, B of D A 2023
Randy Turnbull, B of D P 2023
Sam Houston, B of D P 2023
Raymond Radke, B of D A 2023
Larry Montgomery, B of D P 2023
Charles Muggy, B of D A 2023
Duane Holliday, B of D P 2023
Guests: Jon Eric Overland, Yin Yahot (?) ROK, Dennis Ardello, Bill & Samantha Sleeseman, Bill Moore, Andy Michele, and the Animal. Forgive me if I do not have the correct spellings.
New members present:
Secretary’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Treasurer’s report: Moved, 2nd & approved
Membership Update: None given this month
Old Business:
1. Two men were laid to rest, and had memorial services. Tom Haddox a member of the chapter, and Dick Stark.
2. Sam H gave a short update on Randy Turnbull. He is struggling mightily health wise.
3. Sam also gave a very short bio of himself. VN, of course but also bicyclist, mountain climber and hiker. He also told a joke about suppositories and hearing aids.
4. Malcolm gave an update on the Northwest Annex and the efforts to turn this into a vets’ center. Motion to provide $6,500.00 to help with legal and other costs. Second and approved by count. 15 pro 5 anti.
5. A VSO position is open in Bellingham. Contact Dave Loomis for more information.
New Business:
1. VFW Post has the Kenny Paine pig roast 17 September.
2. November is an opportunity to be a part of the color guard at the VN Memorial Wall in DC. (40th anniversary celebration). Contact Bob Aspiras if interested. You can also attend with the Montana delegation, according to Andy M.
3. President Bob talked about branding our chapter, getting better P.R. We need to get a strategy together.
4. Agnes Kenney had ribs broken in an accident. Check on her and Chuck. They may need help
5. Skagit County Vets Park has a function on 10 November at 15:30 (3:30 pm) according to the Animal. We are invited.
50/50 Raffle Won by: Lana Haddox $16
Meal donation tonight $79
Motion to adjourn: made at 19:15 (7:15 pm)